Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
Christoph Martin <martin@uni-mainz.de>, 300209@bugs.debian.org
Thu Apr 7 08:55:04 2005
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Hi all,
Wolfgang Baer schrieb:
> It seems as this is a mixed woody/testing/unstable/experimental
> installation.
> According to the System Information its woody 3.0 !
> adduser is the woody version.
> apache-utils is the sarge version
> So this is not a bug in tomcat4 - just a mixed installation which
> seems to use a really old libcommons-collections-java version - maybe
> the old woody 1.0-1 version. As Killer said the problem is caused if the
> libcommons-collection-java version is < 2.1 - but the version in testing
> and unstable is 2.1.1-3 can't happen also without a versioned
> dependency.
> Christoph pleasee send us your libcommons-collections-java version and
> also report back if you have a mixed woody/sarge environment.
Yes, I have a mixed woody/sarge installation. But I tried to get all
dependencies for tomcat4 from sarge. Since tomcat4 has no direct
dependency on libcommons-collections-java, I did not check this one. I
try to check now on my test machine if tomcat4 from unstable runs ok if
I have the correct libcommons-collections-java versions.
Sorry, but tomcat4 is still not running with libcommons-collections-java
from testing. I also tried to update all packages with java in their
names, but had no success.
Here are the stati:
ii java-common 0.22 Base of all Java packages
ii libant1.5-java 1.5.4-4 Java based build tool like make
ii libant1.6-java 1.6.2-2 Java based build tool like make -- library
ii libbcel-java 5.1-1 Analyze, create, and manipulate
(binary) Jav
ii libbsf-java 2.3.0+cvs20050 Bean Scripting Framework to support
ii libcommons-bea 1.6.1-4 utility for manipulating JavaBeans
ii libcommons-col 2.1.1-3 A set of abstract data type interfaces
and i
ii libcommons-dbc 1.2.1-2 Database Connection Pooling Services
ii libcommons-dig Rule based XML Java object mapping tool
ii libcommons-fil 1.0-11 File upload capability to your
servlets and
ii libcommons-log 1.0.4-2 The commmon wrapper interface for
several lo
ii libcommons-mod 1.1-1 A convenience library to use Java
ii libcommons-poo 1.2-3 A set of objects that implement the
ii libjaxp1.2-jav 1.2.01-1 Java XML parser and transformer APIs
ii liblog4j1.2-ja 1.2.9-1 Logging library for java
ii liblogkit-java 1.2.2-2 Lightweight and fast designed logging
ii libmx4j-java 2.0.1-2 An open source implementation of the
ii libregexp-java 1.3-1 regular expression library for Java
ii libservlet2.3- 4.0-6 Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Java classes
and doc
ii libtomcat4-jav 4.1.31-2 Java Servlet engine -- core libraries
ii libxalan-java 1.2.2-2 Java version of the Xalan XSLT processor.
ii libxalan2-java 2.6.0-1 XSL Transformations (XSLT) processor
in Java
ii libxerces-java 1.4.4-2 Validating XML parser for Java
ii libxerces2-jav 2.6.2-1 Validating XML parser for Java with
DOM leve
Christoph Martin, EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
Internet-Mail: Christoph.Martin@Uni-Mainz.DE
Telefon: +49-6131-3926337
Fax: +49-6131-3922856
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