2005-April Archives by Author
Starting: Fri Apr 1 13:57:02 2005
Ending: Sat Apr 30 23:32:08 2005
Messages: 415
- =?GB2312?B?zb/XsNau0McoxefNv6Gizb/XsMnosbjP+srbKcnPuqPLucL1v8u7qtTBu/rQ?=
- =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTCQ+NUJ6OS05cCIoOC0kL0N5Q18hKjojJE4wbEpiGyhC?=
- [ANN] Ant 1.6.3 released
- Bug#306967: java-package: add a make-jpkg option to output the name of the produced debian package
- Bug#306973: java-package: make-jpkg should exit with non-zero code if the package file was not created
- Processing of libant1.6-java_1.6.2-2.1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of antlr_2.7.5-5_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of java-package_0.23_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of antlr_2.7.5-6_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of kaffe_1.1.4.RC1-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of checkstyle_3.4-8_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of commons-daemon_1.0-4_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libpgjava_7.4.7-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of mysql-connector-java_3.1.7-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libsaxon-java_6.5.3-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libcommons-fileupload-java_1.0-12_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of werken.xpath_0.9.4-6_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of commons-daemon_1.0-5_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-4_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libxt-java_0.20020426a-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of kaffe_1.1.5-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of tomcat4_4.1.31-3_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libcommons-digester-java_1.5.0.1-4_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libcommons-digester-java_1.5.0.1-4_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of junit_3.8.1.1-4_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of pja_2.4-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of pja_2.5-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of liboro-java_2.0.8-3_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of pja_2.5-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libgnumail-java_1.0-5_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of rhino_1.5.R5-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libjaxen-java_1.0FCS-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of kaffe_1.1.5-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libplexus-utils_1.0alpha1-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of kaffe_1.1.5-3_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of lucene_1.4.3-5_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libxerces2-java_2.6.2-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libpgjava_7.4.7-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libpgjava_7.4.7-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of mysql-connector-java_3.1.7-2_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of velocity_1.4-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of java-package_0.24_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of pja_2.5-3_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libgef-java_0.9.6-6_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libnsuml-java_0.4.20-11_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libservlet2.4-java_5.0.30-1_powerpc.changes
Archive Administrator
- Co-Operation
Godwin Akwesi
- Bug#300753: Success libpgjava with free tools
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#302710: libpgjava: JDBC2 jar contains a JDBC3 jdbc driver
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#300753: Success libpgjava with free tools
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#302710: libpgjava: JDBC2 jar contains a JDBC3 jdbc driver
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#303074: gjdoc: Does not include the xmldoclet mentioned in description
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#303218: libgnumail-java: FTBFS: Compiler error
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#295703: Patch for debian/FileActions
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#301166: Patch for kaffe-common.manpages and native2ascii manpage
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#262595: Compatibility patch with sun jdks
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#303218: We are working on it
Wolfgang Baer
- commons-daemon build failures
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#304524: libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#304524: libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#305529: bsh: command line history would be most helpful
Wolfgang Baer
- RFC: ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
- RFC: ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#300713: gjdoc: please provide possiblity to pass vm parameters to excecuting vm
Wolfgang Baer
- RFC: ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
- Maintenance of libcommons-httpclient-java package
Wolfgang Baer
- Bug#306639: Set severity as discussed to wishlist
Wolfgang Baer
- [Fwd: [ANN] Ant 1.6.3 released]
Wolfgang Baer
- RFH: sablevm fails to run ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
- RFH: sablevm fails to run ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
- Payment of contract executed.
Dr. Charles Konan Banny
- Payment of contract executed.
Dr. Charles Konan Banny
Salima Bello
- Bug#300713: gjdoc: please provide possiblity to pass vm parameters to excecuting vm
Chris Vanden Berghe
- Bug#305053: java-package: dangling manpage links -> /etc/alternatives
Jay Berkenbilt
- Bug#305325: checkstyle: Antlr dependency should be == 2.7.2
David Blaikie
- Bug#305325: checkstyle: Antlr dependency should be == 2.7.2
David Blaikie
- Bug#305325: checkstyle: Antlr dependency should be == 2.7.2
David Blaikie
- antlr sparc build needs requeued
Blars Blarson
- kaffe sparc build needs requeued
Blars Blarson
- kaffe sparc build failed
Blars Blarson
- Vl-AGRA Va1ium C1ALlS
Hu Breeden
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Jeff Breidenbach
- Bug#304712: [Fwd: Bug#304712: avaMail allows directory traversal in attachments (CAN-2005-1105)]
Chris Burdess
- Unbelievable New Homes made easy
Jeremiah Burnett
- A a very good morning to you! :) approximation
- Fwd: my favorite
Nat Colom
- WOW, got laid 3 times this week
Horace Dukes
- Bug#279752: jsvc-dev: i have the same problem
Bernd Eckenfels
- Bug#306826: appletviewer doesn't work
Peter Eisentraut
Peter Fisher
- get your mba online
hoarfrost Franklin
- contacts doctors' american directory, 40,000 hospitals, 25,000 nursing homes and 400,00 doctors.special price of $197.00 (Reg. $845.00).
Dolores Friedman
- Bug#305529: bsh: command line history would be most helpful
Charles Fry
Lilia Glover
- Bug#302710: libpgjava: JDBC2 jar contains a JDBC3 jdbc driver
Stefan Gybas
- tomcat4 not in testing any longer
Stefan Gybas
- we can work together
- 8o% off, nopresc. we got it all
Chad Hankins
- wide selection of meds 80% off. incl vic, val, xan, via and cia
Zachariah Hathaway
- Seeking sponsor for upload of java-package to experimental
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Barry Hawkins
- Seeking sponsor for upload of java-package to experimental
Barry Hawkins
- tomcat4 not in testing any longer
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#292448: tomcat4 & free java
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#292448: failure without tomcat4-webapps
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#304543: SableVM
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#305219: java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#305219: java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#306509: lucene cvs head, kaffe rmic
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#306509: lucene cvs head, kaffe rmic
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#272295: currently packaged kaffe rmic does not compile Lucene org.apache.lucene.search.RemoteSearchable
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#272295: currently packaged kaffe rmic does not compile Lucene org.apache.lucene.search.RemoteSearchable
Barry Hawkins
- Migration to Subversion?
Barry Hawkins
- Maintenance of libcommons-httpclient-java package
Barry Hawkins
- Maintenance of libcommons-httpclient-java package
Barry Hawkins
- [Fwd: [ANN] Ant 1.6.3 released]
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Barry Hawkins
- Bug#304712: avaMail allows directory traversal in attachments (CAN-2005-1105)
Joey Hess
- Feel yourself living. - occlusion
Waldo Hester
- Feel yourself living. - occlusion
Waldo Hester
- Bug#245204: The new rollax repliccas gen is here aaron
Nola Houser
- Empresas na Internet
- libant1.6-java_1.6.2-2.1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- antlr_2.7.5-5_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- java-package_0.23_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- antlr_2.7.5-6_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libgnujmi-java_0.0cvs20050116-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- kaffe_1.1.4.RC1-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- checkstyle_3.4-8_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libmx4j-java_2.0.1-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libmx4j-java_2.0.1-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- commons-daemon_1.0-4_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-3_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- mysql-connector-java_3.1.7-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libpgjava_7.4.7-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libsaxon-java_6.5.3-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libcommons-fileupload-java_1.0-12_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- werken.xpath_0.9.4-6_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-4_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- commons-daemon_1.0-5_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- werken.xpath_0.9.4-6_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- werken.xpath_0.9.4-5_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libcommons-modeler-java_1.1-4_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- commons-daemon_1.0-5_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- commons-daemon_1.0-4_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libxt-java_0.20020426a-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- kaffe_1.1.5-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- tomcat4_4.1.31-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libcommons-digester-java_1.5.0.1-4_i386.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- libcommons-digester-java_1.5.0.1-4_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- junit_3.8.1.1-4_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- pja_2.4-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- pja_2.5-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- liboro-java_2.0.8-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- pja_2.5-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libgnumail-java_1.0-5_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- rhino_1.5.R5-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libjaxen-java_1.0FCS-1_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libjaxen-java_1.0FCS-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- kaffe_1.1.5-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libplexus-utils_1.0alpha1-1_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- kaffe_1.1.5-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libplexus-utils_1.0alpha1-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- lucene_1.4.3-5_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libxerces2-java_2.6.2-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libpgjava_7.4.7-2_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libpgjava_7.4.7-3_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- mysql-connector-java_3.1.7-2_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- velocity_1.4-1_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libpgjava_7.4.7-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libpgjava_7.4.7-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- mysql-connector-java_3.1.7-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- velocity_1.4-1_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- java-package_0.24_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- pja_2.5-3_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libgef-java_0.9.6-6_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libnsuml-java_0.4.20-11_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libservlet2.4-java_5.0.30-1_powerpc.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- Say Knickers to Elections
- Bug#306596: pja: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'jikes'
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306597: bsh: FTBFS: Please update the Build-Depends from 'j2sdk1.3' to 'j2sdk1.4'
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306633: libxalan2-java: FTBFS: Invalid JAVA_HOME_DIRS
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306647: libgef-java: FTBFS: The java class is not found: org.apache.tools.ant.launch.AntMain
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306753: libnsuml-java: Please use kaffe and move the package to main
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306760: dresden-ocl: Please set JAVA_HOME_DIRS to the standard directories
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306767: libjazzy-java: Please use j2sdk1.4 as default and support the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306772: libi18n-java: Please use j2sdk1.4 as default instead of j2sdk1.3
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306774: fop: Please support the JAVA_HOME directories which are used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306775: libsaxon-java: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'gjdoc'
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306776: libtoolbutton-java: FTBFS: Please support the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306779: libtoolbar-java: Please support the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306804: libxerces2-java-doc: Please change the Build-Depends from 'j2re1.4' to 'java2-compiler' and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Andreas Jochens
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Kalle Kivimaa
- Bug#304524: libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors
Michael Koch
- Bug#305325: checkstyle: Antlr dependency should be == 2.7.2
Michael Koch
- Bug#305325: checkstyle: Antlr dependency should be == 2.7.2
Michael Koch
- Bug#305623: java.nio.FileChannelImpl.lock(): not implemented
Michael Koch
- Bug#300713: gjdoc: please provide possiblity to pass vm parameters to excecuting vm
Michael Koch
- Bug#306647: libgef-java: FTBFS: The java class is not found: org.apache.tools.ant.launch.AntMain
Michael Koch
- Bug#306800: jta: Please allow building with sun-j2sdk1.5 and recognize the JAVA_HOME directories used by java-package
Michael Koch
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Steve Langasek
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Steve Langasek
- Bug#305219: java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script
Daniel Leidert
- Bug#305219: java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script
Daniel Leidert
- Bug#305219: java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script
Daniel Leidert
Mr Victor Lopez
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Christoph Martin
- Bug#303728: tomcat4: catalina.sh does not start debugger with option -debug
Christoph Martin
- Walium Ci-alis VlA'GRA
Zareen Mcnulty
- Bug#305674: Add jsch support to Ant
Albert Moraal
- Fioricet_xnax_Ambien_Ciales_Ambien_Prozac
Erick Nolan
- Bug#306995: tomcat4: wrong environment $CATALINA_HOME set
Marcos Pinto
- Bug#306995: as a sidenote
Marcos Pinto
- Bug#306995: as a sidenote
Marcos Pinto
- Bug#305549: Please don't use dot-dirs in /usr
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- RFH: sablevm fails to run ant 1.6.3
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
- Bug#301166: kaffe: left dangling symlink for native2ascii manpage on my system
Branden Robinson
- Bug#301166: kaffe: left dangling symlink for native2ascii manpage on my system
Branden Robinson
- Bug#301806: java-package: wrong plugin link on amd64
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#286862: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#286862: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#300753: Out of time, sorry...
Markus Schaber
- Bug#300753: acknowledged by developer (Bug#300753: fixed in libpgjava 7.4.7-3)
Markus Schaber
- Bug#306371: NPE building lucene javadocs
Julian Scheid
- Bug#297664: gjdoc fixed, please retest!
Daniel Schepler
- Bug#303218: libgnumail-java: FTBFS: Compiler error
Daniel Schepler
- Bug#306262: kaffe-pthreads: place tools.jar in pthreads/lib/
=?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg?= Sommer
- our mds are 8o% cheaper only this week
Gino Spears
- No risk!
Dick Spencer
- Bug#294707: Tomcat ignores "allowLinking" yields *very* misleading error mess age
Spielmann, Holger (EXTERN: TOJAQ)
- Bug#303408: kaffe: "dangling symlink" terror
Vladimir Stavrinov
- Bug#304524: libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors
Roland Stigge
- Processed: Fixed in NMU of libant1.6-java 1.6.2-2.1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#302325: marked as done (antlr: FTBFS (ppc64/gcc-4.0): Please Build-Depend on 'libgcj-dev' instead of 'libgcj4-dev')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301508: marked as done (cantlr: Depends on libgcc1 from experimental.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300817: marked as done (java-package: Java applets don't work if package "netbase" is not installed)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#299018: marked as done (antlr: No rule to make target `/skole/tjener/home0/pere/src/debian/java/antlr-2.7.5/scripts/../lib/cpp/Makefile.in')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301806: marked as done (wrong plugin link on amd64)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301092: marked as done (java-package archives change)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300303: marked as done (java-package: java webstart isnt available in the PATH)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300753: Info received (was Success libpgjava with free tools)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#299544: marked as done (Please include antlr.debug.misc.* in antlr.jar)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270959: marked as done (checkstyle-optional.jar is missing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#302710: marked as done (libpgjava: JDBC2 jar contains a JDBC3 jdbc driver)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#275154: marked as done (libpgjava: New upstream version available)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301369: marked as done (libsaxon-java: FTBFS: Build-Depends on 'libfop-java' which does not exist anymore)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#302015: marked as done (kaffe depends probably incorrect)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#269808: marked as done (kaffe-pthreads: should provide alternative for /usr/bin/java)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Patch for debian/FileActions
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#286862: marked as done (nice: FTBFS on amd64)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Patch for kaffe-common.manpages and native2ascii manpage
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Compatibility patch with sun jdks
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#286871: marked as done (jsvc binary not in archive)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#257839: marked as done (werken.xpath: move to main)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#279752: marked as done (jsvc-dev: description does not say what the package does)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Fixed in upload of kaffe 2:1.1.5-1 to experimental
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300209: marked as done (tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#299643: marked as done (tomcat4: kjc as compiler for kaffe is no longer available in unstable)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#302012: marked as done (Incorrect depends on kaffe)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#270662: marked as done (junit: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError with 1.3 JVM)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#267995: marked as done (junit-doc: Broken links in /usr/share/doc/junit-doc/README.html)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#292271: marked as done (junit: JUnit.jar not found by ANT when $CLASSPATH is empty)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#277952: marked as done (libpja-java: package depends on java-runtime2 instead of java2-runtime)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#303218: marked as done (libgnumail-java: FTBFS: Compiler error)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#244312: marked as done (liboro-java: FTBFS with libant1.5-java: Complains about ANT_HOME setting)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#303408: marked as done (kaffe: "dangling symlink" terror)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301166: marked as done (kaffe: Dangling symlink and missing manpage for native2ascii)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300468: marked as done (Broken symlink for /usr/lib/kaffe/bin/jdb)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#281520: marked as done (kaffe: document the kaffe-system alternative (pthreads, jthreads))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#295703: marked as done (kaffe-dev: Please include header files for new java awt native interface (jawt))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#302782: marked as done (kaffe: javakey man page missing and dangling symlink)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#298314: marked as done (/etc/init.d/tomcat4 start fails; log says JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#262595: marked as done (kaffe-dev: Can include just /usr/lib/kaffe)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#305258: Fwd: java/lang/Runtime.availableProcessors
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#286862: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#304524: marked as done (libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#300753: marked as done (libpgjava could migrate to main from contrib)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#245492: marked as done (velocity: new upstream available)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#301806: marked as done (wrong plugin link on amd64)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#305219: marked as done (java-package: plugin links are wrong because of wrong 'plugin_dir=' in postinst script)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#306262: kaffe-pthreads: place tools.jar in pthreads/lib/
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#306596: marked as done (pja: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends on 'jikes')
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Set severity as discussed to wishlist
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Set severity as discussed to wishlist
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#306826: marked as done (appletviewer doesn't work)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#306995: tomcat4: wrong environment $CATALINA_HOME set
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#306967: java-package: add a make-jpkg option to output the name of the produced debian package
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#306967: marked as done (java-package: add a make-jpkg option to output the name of the produced debian package)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#306995: marked as done (tomcat4: wrong environment $CATALINA_HOME set)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- In God we trust, but sometimes we need some help.
Tameka Tuttle
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Aaron M. Ucko
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Aaron M. Ucko
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Aaron M. Ucko
- Bug#301806: java-package: blackdown scripts still hardcode plugin_dir
Aaron M. Ucko
- kaffe in pkg-java cvs repository
Arnaud Vandyck
- RFC: Removal of orp-classpath from archive
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#298314: Is there a 'jdb' in kaffe?
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#303218: libgnumail-java: FTBFS: Compiler error
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#295703: Patch for debian/FileActions
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#297664: gjdoc fixed, please retest!
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#301166: Patch for kaffe-common.manpages and native2ascii manpage
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#303408: kaffe: "dangling symlink" terror
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#262595: Compatibility patch with sun jdks
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#303408: kaffe: "dangling symlink" terror
Arnaud Vandyck
- Notes about kaffe 1.1.5 in Debian
Arnaud Vandyck
- Fixed in upload of kaffe 2:1.1.5-1 to experimental
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#301166: kaffe: left dangling symlink for native2ascii manpage on my system
Arnaud Vandyck
- RFC: Removal libxalan-java, lib-saxon-java
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#304524: libxerces2-java: FTBFS: Semantic Errors
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#305258: Fwd: java/lang/Runtime.availableProcessors
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#286862: nice: FTBFS on amd64
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#306262: kaffe-pthreads: place tools.jar in pthreads/lib/
Arnaud Vandyck
- RFC: ant 1.6.3
Arnaud Vandyck
- gcj4 changes : Please Comment
Arnaud Vandyck
- gcj4 changes : Please Comment
Arnaud Vandyck
- gcj4 changes : Please Comment
Arnaud Vandyck
- RFC: ant 1.6.3
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Arnaud Vandyck
- Note about CDBS
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#306639: batik: FTBFS: JAVA_HOME_DIRS incorrect
Arnaud Vandyck
- Note about CDBS
Arnaud Vandyck
- Migration to Subversion?
Arnaud Vandyck
- [Fwd: [ANN] Ant 1.6.3 released]
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#306995: as a sidenote
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#306995: tomcat4: wrong environment $CATALINA_HOME set
Arnaud Vandyck
- Bug#304927: Kaffe: javah missing -force option
Andrew Vaughan
- A a very good morning to you! :) chic
- Fixed in NMU of libant1.6-java 1.6.2-2.1
Lars Wirzenius
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- commons-daemon build failures
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Problem found with hppa/mipsen/sparc build timeouts
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- problem loading libant
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- kaffe sparc build needs requeued
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Bug#305608: Should not build pthreads-profile if not about to upload it
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Bug#305623: java.nio.FileChannelImpl.lock(): not implemented
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- kaffe sparc build failed
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Note about CDBS
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
- Fwd: you must see
- Good
- problem loading libant
- Congratulations Yon Won The Royal Lottery Grand Prize!!!
promo coordinator
- Great news
- God Direction!!!!
- Investment Partnership
- gfjvcnp
- $BL5NA(B10000$B1_J,$GM7$s$G$_$h$&!*(B
- $B!y(B10000$B1_J,L5NA!y(B
- $BBg;j5^$*4j$$$7$^$9(B
- $B!y(B10000$B1_J,L5NA!y(B
- $BL5NA(B10000$B1_J,$GM7$s$G$_$h$&!*(B
- $BC/$G$b(B5,000$B1_J,!D(B
- $B$*BT$?$;$$$?$7$^$7$?(B
- $B!y$$$/$_$G!A$9!y(B
- $B!zHkL)>pJs!z!!!JK\?M5v2D$"$j!K(B
- $B%a!<%k4IM}<T$+$i(B
- private
iikjkloop Ayuba jerry
- Compassionate Response
- Compassionate Response
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
killer@home.killeri.net, 300209@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#300209: tomcat4: tomcat dies with "Parse error in default web.xml" after upgrade
killer@home.killeri.net, 300209@bugs.debian.org
- Representative required...
Mr liupeijin
- Bug#306509: lucene cvs head, kaffe rmic
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 306509@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#292448: tomcat4 & free java
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 292448@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#292448: failure without tomcat4-webapps
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 292448@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#304543: SableVM
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 304543@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#305258: Fwd: java/lang/Runtime.availableProcessors
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 305258@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#305623: java.nio.FileChannelImpl.lock(): not implemented
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 305623@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#306371: NPE building lucene javadocs
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 306371@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#306371: NPE building lucene javadocs
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 306371@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#306509: lucene cvs head, kaffe rmic
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 306509@bugs.debian.org
- Bug#306509: lucene cvs head, kaffe rmic
ms419@freezone.co.uk, 306509@bugs.debian.org
- Instant 3.25 low rates
- fpsxflv
- Congratulation *SKL WINNER*-Contact your claims agent!
- Your Password was Changed
raanan suyog
- Hello
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Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 23:32:08 2005
Archived on: Sat Apr 30 23:32:10 2005
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Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).