iikjkloop Ayuba jerry
Tue Apr 12 22:45:16 2005
<table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding="8" cellpadding="8"><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><P><FONT size=5>Good Day, <BR> <BR>Let me first start by introducing myself. I am a staff of National Bank of Oman. My name is Mr.Ayuba Jerry. I am the personal account holder/ manager to Engr. Jefri Crowe-kokonis, a national of your country , who used to work with Oman oil company (OOC). Hereinafter shall be referred to as my client.On 30 Jan 2000, while on vacation, my client, his wife and their three children were involved in the Kenya airways flight air crash with registration number 5Y-BEN which departed from Nairobi to destination Lagos and all the family died in this fatal air mishap on 30 Jan 2000.Since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this proved unsuccesful. After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to contact any body from your country hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund and property left behind by my client, because his account have been declared unserviceable and confiscated by our bank where huge deposits were lodged, which I was issued a notice early last year to provide the next of kin, but was unsuccessful.Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives over these years, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased to claim a treasure he deposited in a treasure-house here in Oman, what of millions of dollar, which I was a witness when he deposited the treasure. I have the copies of the documents regarding to the deposites, also I will assist you with necessary documents as the next of kin, because when the deposit was made, my client did not indicate any body as the next of kin. All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through, so that the treasure will not be confiscated. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. For my personal security reasons. I would plead with you to keep the information in this letter to secret and confidentail. Bearing in mind that your assistance is needed I propose a commission of 40% of the treasure to you which you will take and remit the remaining 60% to me after the transaction is concluded. I will like you to contact me immediately, so that we take the necessary steps immediately. I look forward to your urgent response.<BR>Best Regards,<BR> Ayuba Jerry.<BR></FONT></P></td></tr></table>