Bug#300468: marked as done (Broken symlink for /usr/lib/kaffe/bin/jdb)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Mon Apr 18 10:11:17 2005
Your message dated Mon, 18 Apr 2005 05:47:17 -0400
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 18:06:49 -0500
From: Barry Hawkins <barry@alltc.com>
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To: Debian Bug Report Submission <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: Broken symlink for /usr/lib/kaffe/bin/jdb
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Hash: SHA1
Package: kaffe
Version: 2:1.1.4.PRECVS8-2
Severity: normal
While working on Bug Report #298314, Herman Robak informed me that his
x86 sid installation had a broken symlink for /usr/lib/kaffe/jdb. I
have confirmed that my powerpc sid installation has the same issue.
barryh@hideo:~$ file /usr/lib/kaffe/bin/jdb
/usr/lib/kaffe/bin/jdb: broken symbolic link to `../.system/bin/jdb'
barryh@hideo:~$ dpkg --status kaffe
Package: kaffe
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: interpreters
Installed-Size: 120
Maintainer: Ean R. Schuessler <ean@novare.net>
Architecture: all
Version: 2:1.1.4.PRECVS8-2
Depends: kaffe-pthreads (= 2:1.1.4.PRECVS8-2) | kaffe-jthreads (=
Description: A JVM to run Java bytecode
~ A virtual machine designed to execute Java bytecode. It performs
~ "just-in-time" code conversion from the abstract code to the host
~ native code. This will ultimately allow execution of Java code at the
~ speed as standard compiled code but while maintaining the advantages and
~ flexibility of code independence.
- --
Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
site: www.alltc.com
weblog: www.yepthatsme.com
Registered Linux User #368650
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
Received: (at 298314-close) by bugs.debian.org; 18 Apr 2005 09:54:21 +0000
>From katie@ftp-master.debian.org Mon Apr 18 02:54:21 2005
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id 1DNSqb-0002TO-00; Mon, 18 Apr 2005 05:47:17 -0400
From: Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>
To: 298314-close@bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.55 $
Subject: Bug#298314: fixed in kaffe 2:1.1.5-2
Message-Id: <E1DNSqb-0002TO-00@newraff.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 05:47:17 -0400
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autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2005_01_02
X-CrossAssassin-Score: 4
Source: kaffe
Source-Version: 2:1.1.5-2
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
kaffe, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/k/kaffe/jikes-kaffe_1.1.5-2_all.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe-common_1.1.5-2_all.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe-dev_1.1.5-2_all.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe-doc_1.1.5-2_all.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe-jthreads_1.1.5-2_powerpc.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe-pthreads_1.1.5-2_powerpc.deb
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe_1.1.5-2.diff.gz
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe_1.1.5-2.dsc
to pool/main/k/kaffe/kaffe_1.1.5-2_all.deb
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to 298314@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org> (supplier of updated kaffe package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 10:58:15 +0200
Source: kaffe
Binary: kaffe-dev kaffe-common jikes-kaffe kaffe-pthreads-profile kaffe-pthreads kaffe kaffe-doc kaffe-jthreads
Architecture: source all powerpc
Version: 2:1.1.5-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>
jikes-kaffe - Wrapper for jikes using Kaffe classes
kaffe - A JVM to run Java bytecode
kaffe-common - Files shared between all Kaffe VM versions
kaffe-dev - Header files and other resources for building against Kaffe
kaffe-doc - Documentation for the Kaffe VM
kaffe-jthreads - A green threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
kaffe-pthreads - A POSIX threads enabled version of the Kaffe VM
Closes: 262595 281520 295703 298314 300468 301166 302782 303408
kaffe (2:1.1.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable
kaffe (2:1.1.5-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Removed javakey, kopi and nm2as.awk from the symlinks (closes: #302782).
* Added a dummy jdb script to simulate a correct JAVA_HOME for tomcat4:
- patch from the kaffe mailing list (closes: #298314, #300468)
- patches for regenerated Makefile.in and configure file
Attention: these two patches needs to be updated for
EACH new upstream release (Wolfgang)
* Running the tests at build time... but the package will not fail if
the tests fail
* Wolfgang Baer:
- added a manpage for native2ascii (closes: #301166, #303408).
- debian/kaffe-dev.links: added. This will solve the include
problem (closes: #262595).
- patch to include awt-gtk headers in kaffe-dev (closes: #295703).
- debian/kaffe.preinst: added to remove old appletviewer, javakey
alternative entries on upgrade, which are no longer supported.
- debian/README.Debian: added to explain the kaffe systems
setup via the alternative system (closes: #281520)
- WHATSNEW file included in kaffe-doc package
87b761682d8196d334599b30cd79712d 1055 interpreters optional kaffe_1.1.5-2.dsc
5d37efb79f0e52127dd857351ba4ba74 33994 interpreters optional kaffe_1.1.5-2.diff.gz
ce116f58ce5c4b0ab56cd0cb3e918cd7 25100 interpreters optional kaffe_1.1.5-2_all.deb
c9decb8b5747abe8664e14f086a3b994 6352102 interpreters optional kaffe-common_1.1.5-2_all.deb
ddeebf47db7329bfc327bcf0ea610ce6 41492 interpreters optional kaffe-dev_1.1.5-2_all.deb
7eb4e6187596433ae8a754512f1edd95 24214 interpreters optional jikes-kaffe_1.1.5-2_all.deb
9084154f77d933bf9cd269d984ecdb70 106014 interpreters optional kaffe-doc_1.1.5-2_all.deb
820cf18a761b8542fabc180a81843fe6 482892 interpreters optional kaffe-jthreads_1.1.5-2_powerpc.deb
c71bfa2437a3148911af65ea6f5cb0ed 593524 interpreters optional kaffe-pthreads_1.1.5-2_powerpc.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)