Bug#306371: NPE building lucene javadocs
Julian Scheid
Julian Scheid <julian@sektor37.de>, 306371@bugs.debian.org
Tue Apr 26 13:13:03 2005
ms419@freezone.co.uk wrote:
> Package: gjdoc
> Version: 0.7.3-1
> [javadoc] Fetching package list for external documentation set.
> [javadoc] java.lang.NullPointerException
> [javadoc] at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>
> (InputStreamReader.java:137)
> [javadoc] at
> gnu.classpath.tools.doclets.htmldoclet.ExternalDocSet.readPackages
> (ExternalDocSet.java:94)
> [javadoc] at
> gnu.classpath.tools.doclets.htmldoclet.ExternalDocSet.load
> (ExternalDocSet.java:79)
Thanks for your bug report which revealed two distinct issues.
Firstly, gjdoc wasn't properly checking for URL.openStream() returning
null. This is fixed in cvs head now. If you try again with head, you
should get a warning message like "Cannot fetch package list from
Secondly, the current Classpath implementation of URL.openStream() is
buggy: for the URL above, which redirects to .../j2se/1.4.2/... using a
302 (Moved Temporarily) HTTP response code, the redirection isn't
followed but instead a null stream is returned. And for non-existing
URLs it returns a stream instead of raising a FileNotFoundException.
I've filed a corresponding bug report which already has been partly
acted upon:
As a temporary workaround until these bugs are fixed in the kaffe debian
package, you may want to change the URL in line 29 in lucene's top-level
build.xml to read "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/" - or, even
better, "http://developer.classpath.org/doc/" :-)