RFC: ant 1.6.3
Wolfgang Baer
Wed Apr 27 07:32:09 2005
Hi all,
ant 1.6.3 will be released the next days. It includes several fixes and
mostly needed a better jikes integration.
This ant version will be needed to build libjaxen-java, dom4j,
libxerces2-java, libxalan2-java and maybe several other packages
depending on a DOM 2 implementation without the workaround of including
DOM 2 sources to compile against in the diff.gz file.
However, according to upstream ant 1.6.3 might break some environments !
Therefore the question is:
- Packaging as a new upstream release of libant1.6-java (after sarge is
released) and fix maybe broken builds with new package upload when
they show up.
- Packaging it as libant1.6.3-java so the two ant versions can coexist
Packaging as libant1.6.3-java could be done pre sarge without breaking
anything existing environements and only used by packages which need
this version to build. Packaging as an upstream release will definitly
need to wait for the sarge release (although can be provided and tested
before in experimental)
Form the changelog (current beta) - the changes which might break older
build environments:
* The subant task used the canonical version of a file path. This has
been changed to use the absolute path.
* Tar now writes two EOF blocks rather than one.
* The Reference object now has a project field which it uses in
preference to the project passed in. This allows composite references to
be handled to nested projects.
* <junit> with filtertrace="true" will now also swallow lines for the
sun.reflect package. If you need to see them in your stack trace, you
must set filtertrace to false.
* The jikes compiler adapter now supports -bootclasspath, -extdirs and
-sourcepath and also uses the same logic for debug flags as javac. This
means, the jikes compiler adapter now requires Jikes 1.15 or later.
For the other changes see: http://cvs.apache.org/dist/ant/v1.6.3beta1/