Bug#329958: Check for directory write access before creating the .deb

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at utm.utoronto.ca
Sat Sep 24 18:54:07 UTC 2005

Package: java-package
Version: 0.24

	Say a have a directory /tmp/java that is writable by root and
readable (but not writable) by everybody. Inside this directory I have my
jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin file. Now I type:

> cd /tmp/java
> fakeroot java-package jdk-1_5_0_04-linux-i586.bin

	The script runs, unpacks the binary, and builds the Debian
package. Then it aborts because it cannot write the .deb file to

	Since the script needs to write to the current directory, maybe
the script should test whether the current directory is writable before
going through all the work of extracting the binaries and building the
Debian package.

- Paul

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