September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 16:06:35 UTC 2008
Ending: Mon Sep 29 21:47:03 UTC 2008
Messages: 187
- Bug#292448: Your email won £738,000.00
- Processing of electric_8.07-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of electric_8.07-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of ecj_3.3.0+0728-10_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of entagged_0.35-2_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of electric_8.07-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of commons-csv_0.1-SNAPSHOT+svn678580-1_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of commons-csv_0.1-SNAPSHOT+svn678580-1_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of java-wrappers_0.1.8_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of java-wrappers_0.1.8_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of batik_1.7-1_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of xmlgraphics-commons_1.2.dfsg+dak-1_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libhibernate3-java_3.3.0.CR1-2_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libibatis-java_2.3.3.720-2_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of java-wrappers_0.1.9_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java_1.2-2.1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of easymock_2.4+ds1-2_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of simplyhtml_0.12.3+dfsg-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of easymock_2.4+ds1-2_amd64.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of libjdom1-java_1.1+dfsg-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of antlr_2.7.7-7_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Processing of antlr3_3.0.1+dfsg-3_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Osamu Aoki
- Aviso de Bonificacion, Formacion TIC, Regalo de Nintendo Wii.
Cursos Asogestic
- Customer Services Department
Van Austt
- Bug#363027: TThis Gamme Sucks!
Seferovic Avelino
- BATCH NUMBER:065/088/XY24
- From Mrs Amina A. Bello Urgent
Mrs Amina Bello
- Bug#452586: jetty needs jasper-compiler-jdt.jar
Jan-Pascal van Best
- Bug#498582: jetty: Please move Jetty to main
Jan-Pascal van Best
- Bug#499606: ITP: tika -- a Java library for extracting textual information from various documents
Jan-Pascal van Best
- Bug#499729: jakarta-poi: please upgrade to 3.1
Jan-Pascal van Best
- Bug#500536: velocity: please migrate to libjdom1-java
Marcus Better
- Bug#500537: libwerken.xpath-java: please migrate to libjdom1-java
Marcus Better
- Bug#500538: libnsuml-java: please migrate to libjdom1-java
Marcus Better
- Bug#500539: libjdom0-java: remove this package from Debian
Marcus Better
- Bug#476286: libjdom1-java: apidoc incompatible format
Marcus Better
- Bug#351551: Pre-chewed foood can pass the AIDSS virus
Gauvin Billiet
- Bug#499345: icedtea-gcjwebplugin: LiveConnect support
Ken Bloom
- Bug#351551: Pot_mittel ?
Lavonne Brantley
- Bug#499835: libpg-java: eclipse 3.5 M2 depends on postgresql jdbc 8.3 . Please provides it.
Alban Browaeys
- Voce recebeu uma recomendacao de um amigo
- Bug#494504: Patches
Thierry Carrez
- Bug#495235: tomcat5.5 doesn't recognize openjdk-6-jre for running
Thierry Carrez
- Bug#498487: Superfluous /etc/tomcat5.5/tomcat5.5 -> /etc/tomcat5.5 link
Thierry Carrez
- Job Opportunity
Huabang Chemicals
- 2008 Honda Promo!!!
Ragon Clifton
- 2008 Honda Promo!!!
Ragon Clifton
- Bug#292448: Assoholics Anonymous - A cuure for being aa butthead!
Wilkowitz Dubler
- Bug#294741: Robber picks wrong placee at wrong time
Hirte Ehrhardt
- clarification of license of generated install scripts
Vincent Fourmond
- Bug#499852: squiggle should work !
Vincent Fourmond
- Bug#497549: [eclipse] plugins not working
Daniel Freitas
- Bug#270704: Googgle As TTerror Tool?
Waisner Gieser
- Bug#441089: Sons of late entertainerr to send pocket-size instrumentts to troops
Orland Hagie
- Bug#165324: classes in a I can only make
Normand Hayden
- Bug#268214: Calif. judge suspendds state graduation exam
Cody Heltzel
- Bug#322227: Rescue me: Dog saves new ownner frrom fire
Hakel Herbold
- Bug#497679: entagged: FTBFS in lenny: build times out
Varun Hiremath
- Bug#349631: Beste Internet apth fur Vi.
Ben Horn
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Ben Hutchings
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Ben Hutchings
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Ben Hutchings
- electric_8.07-1_i386.changes REJECTED
Debian Installer
- electric_8.07-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- ecj_3.3.0+0728-10_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- entagged_0.35-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- electric_8.07-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- commons-csv_0.1-SNAPSHOT+svn678580-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- java-wrappers_0.1.8_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- batik_1.7-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- xmlgraphics-commons_1.2.dfsg+dak-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- libhibernate3-java_3.3.0.CR1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libibatis-java_2.3.3.720-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- batik_1.7-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- java-wrappers_0.1.9_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java_1.2-2.1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- simplyhtml_0.12.3+dfsg-1_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- easymock_2.4+ds1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- libjdom1-java_1.1+dfsg-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- antlr_2.7.7-7_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- antlr3_3.0.1+dfsg-3_i386.changes is NEW
Debian Installer
- Ref No:G8/EU/2222/07G Get Back To Me...
- electric_8.07-1_i386.changes REJECTED
Joerg Jaspert
- Xerces-C++ 3.0.0 released
Boris Kolpackov
- Tomcat 5.5 security update?
Antony Kuzmicich
- Bug#499288: argouml: should this package be orphaned?
Frank Lichtenheld
- Bug#270704: Thieves saw ooff more than 500 parking meters; no police report, so no investigation
Bacorn Lillis
- Bug#498392: consider adding /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk to /etc/eclipse/java_home
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- Bug#270709: Besseres Selbstwertgefuhl, hoheres Selbstbewusstsein
Ivory Lynn
- Bug#299635: Empty gass tank in getaway truckk foils Michigan robbery suspect
Alevedo Mcbrayer
- Memo DDetails Hewlett-Packard Leakk Hunt
Fossati Mertens
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Robert Millan
- Bug#165324: Young peoplee wanted at nudiist camps
Page Minney
- Bug#342200: ArgoUML 0.26 has been released
Tom Morris
- Bug#308838: AAngry wife tries divorce-bby-YouTube tactic
Sievel Morson
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Bug#498629: Please include example xconf file in /usr/share/doc/fop/examples
Kobayashi Noritada
- Please advice
Yulia Novozhilova
- Bug#497679: entagged: FTBFS in lenny: build times out
Lucas Nussbaum
- Bug#402340: eclipse: suggest xulrunner?
Tanguy Ortolo
- Bug#234518: Du hast noch mehr SpaB beim se ..
Rolland Paulson
- Bug#497536: please do not ship with lenny
Adriaan Peeters
- Bug#497537: please do not ship with lenny
Adriaan Peeters
- Bug#497538: please do not ship with lenny
Adriaan Peeters
- Bug#267853: Heroin-addict elephant to rejoin herd affter rehab
Trisha Petitt
- clarification of license of generated install scripts
Anton Piatek
- Bug#498279: icedtea-gcjwebplugin: add per user CAcerts override
Javier Serrano Polo
- Bug#494674: Any news about integrating a tomcat6?
Alessandro Polverini
- Bug#279246: Your PWB Winning Funds Notification
PowerBall Lottery Awaded Promo
- Bug#497588: cup: New snapshot upstream release: 20060608
Damien Raude-Morvan
- Bug#467486: New on this issue ?
Damien Raude-Morvan
- Bug#491708: libibatis-java: Include missing DTD files in the JAR archive.
Damien Raude-Morvan
- Bug#297868: Wife Shoots Husbannd Who Shot Chicken, Poolice Say
Landenberger Rawlinson
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
Petter Reinholdtsen
- Bug#301134: notfixed 301134 in 2:0.91+cvs20060611-1, reopening 301134, tagging 301134
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#267040: found 267040 in 2:0.91+cvs20060611-1
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#479529: closing 479529
Kurt Roeckx
- Bug#315038: Vorteile von Vg
Horacio Salgado
- Bug#498376: commons-daemon: FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD (needs apsupport.m4 update)
Petr Salinger
- Bug#349631: Sie konnen Viiaaa online kauf
Ivan Sexton
- Bug#494674: Any news about integrating a tomcat6?
Onkar Shinde
- electric_8.07-1_i386.changes REJECTED
Onkar Shinde
- Bug#315038: marked as done (tomcat5: Tomcat5 doesn't start after installation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#462793: marked as done (jetty5: CVE-2007-6672 unauthorized disclosure of information)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#392510: marked as done (eclipse-rcp: creating files in /usr/local violates FHS)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#346568: marked as done (eclipse: Cant use Autoupdate for local installed features)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#460879: marked as done (tomcat5.5: conf/Catalina/localhost folder permissions)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#497679: entagged: FTBFS in lenny: build times out
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#495951: marked as done (entagged: doesn't start)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#497679: marked as done (entagged: FTBFS in lenny: build times out)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: closing 301134
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: notfixed 301134 in 2:0.91+cvs20060611-1, reopening 301134, tagging 301134
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: found 267040 in 2:0.91+cvs20060611-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: closing 479529
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#454747: marked as done (tomcat5.5: package libtcnative (Apache Portable Runtime support))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: bug 499345 is forwarded to
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#496912: marked as done (libhibernate3-java: DTD for hibernate not included. It tries to connect to Internet for validation)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#491708: marked as done (libibatis-java: Include missing DTD files in the JAR archive.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#397562: marked as done (batik: FTBFS: should use java-gcj-compat-dev instead of j2sdk1.4)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#417888: marked as done (batik: new upstream version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#490556: marked as done (batik: New upstream version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#490556: marked as done (batik: New upstream version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#417888: marked as done (batik: new upstream version)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#490621: marked as done (libbatik-java: rasteriser doesn't recognise OpenJDK as a valid Java install)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#495104: marked as done (libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java: Request to add a patch with a new API)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: [bts-link] source package argouml
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: (no subject)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: libjdom1-java: apidoc incompatible format
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Mail Delivery System
- Bug#473979: Status of Eclipse 3.4
Sandro Tosi
- Establishing a medium size industry in your country
iheme akuchia
marc anderson
- Join me on meebo!
julie ann
- FELICITATION! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FELICITATION! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- Bug#480794: patch
dann frazier
- Bug#480794: patch correction
dann frazier
- Bug#483279: patch tested, issue persists
dann frazier
- Bug#267040: gcjwebplugin runs untrusted code without sandbox
peter green
- Bug#494674: Any news about integrating a tomcat6?
kai_giebeler at
- Bug#308838: Current Vacancy at Luksus
darrick jayanth
francis lisboa lisboa
- [bts-link] source package argouml
bts-link-upstream at
- Bug#165324: Best
andrej nalini
- Congratulations
maryt at
- Contact Richard Smith
myersgang at
- Dear,
hobson thierry
- bonjour a vous
kouamhl at
- grinvin REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- icedtea-gcjwebplugin 1.0+dak1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libgrinvin-core-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- libgrinvin-factories-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- libgrinvin-graphs-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- libgrinvin-help-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- libgrinvin-invariants-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- jetty 5.1.14-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libibatis-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- libgui-commands-java REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
Last message date:
Mon Sep 29 21:47:03 UTC 2008
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 00:40:25 UTC 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).