Bug#609253: your mail
brian m. carlson
sandals at crustytoothpaste.net
Sun Sep 11 19:01:38 UTC 2011
On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 02:25:23PM +0200, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> Brian, I can *still* not reproduce your issue (not a single warning).
I still get:
lakeview ok % fop -c ./fop.xconf -fo wonderer.fo wonderer.pdf
Sep 11, 2011 6:42:45 PM org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactoryConfigurator configure
INFO: Default page-height set to: 11in
Sep 11, 2011 6:42:45 PM org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactoryConfigurator configure
INFO: Default page-width set to: 8.5in
Sep 11, 2011 6:42:47 PM org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener processEvent
WARNING: Font "Nimbus Roman No9 L,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Nimbus Roman No9 L,normal,500".
Sep 11, 2011 6:42:47 PM org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener processEvent
WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Symbol,normal,400".
Sep 11, 2011 6:42:47 PM org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener processEvent
WARNING: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "ZapfDingbats,normal,400".
Do you have ttf-mscorefonts-installer installed? Do you also have
gsfonts-x11 installed? fop won't complain about Nimbus Roman No9 L if
it's actually used; if the actual Times New Roman is installed, though,
Nimbus Roman No9 L will still be complained about. Also, you need to
use the wonderer.fo file that I originally posted to the bug, which is
designed to trigger the problem.
If you look at the properties of the produced PDF file (such as with
evince), it should list only Times New Roman, not Nimbus Roman No9 L.
Since it's not using Nimbus Roman No9 L, it shouldn't complain about the
fact that the desired boldness is not present. Similarly, since it
doesn't actually use Symbol or ZapfDingbats, there's no reason to
complain about them, either.
> Your fop.xconf seems to be reading from "/etc/fop/hyph", which does
> not exists on my debian system.
> What is supposed to be located here ?
/etc/fop/hyph contains the hyphenation package for English that I
installed on my system. These aren't officially distributed with fop
because of licensing reasons (they're not Apache 2.0 licensed). You can
safely remove that line. I've attached a stripped-down configuration
file that removes that line and also the /usr/local font directories
that I can still use to reproduce the problem.
brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
This is an example configuration file for FOP.
This file contains the same settings as the default values
and will have no effect if used unchanged.
Relative config url's will be resolved relative to
the location of this file.
<!-- NOTE: This is the version of the configuration -->
<fop version="1.0">
<!-- Base URL for resolving relative URLs -->
<!-- Source resolution in dpi (dots/pixels per inch) for determining the size of pixels in SVG and bitmap images, default: 72dpi -->
<!-- Target resolution in dpi (dots/pixels per inch) for specifying the target resolution for generated bitmaps, default: 72dpi -->
<!-- Default page-height and page-width, in case
value is specified as auto -->
<default-page-settings height="11in" width="8.5in"/>
<!-- Information for specific renderers -->
<!-- Uses renderer mime type for renderers -->
<renderer mime="application/pdf">
<!-- provides compression using zlib flate (default is on) -->
<!-- encodes binary data into printable ascii characters (default off)
This provides about a 4:5 expansion of data size -->
<!-- <value>ascii-85</value> -->
<!-- encodes binary data with hex representation (default off)
This filter is not recommended as it doubles the data size -->
<!-- <value>ascii-hex</value> -->
<!-- embedded fonts -->
This information must exactly match the font specified
in the fo file. Otherwise it will use a default font.
For example,
<fo:inline font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold" font-style="normal">
Arial-normal-normal font
for the font triplet specified by:
<font-triplet name="Arial" style="normal" weight="bold"/>
If you do not want to embed the font in the pdf document
then do not include the "embed-url" attribute.
The font will be needed where the document is viewed
for it to be displayed properly.
possible styles: normal | italic | oblique | backslant
possible weights: normal | bold | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400
| 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
(normal = 400, bold = 700)
<directory recursive="true">/usr/share/fonts/</directory>
<auto-detect />
<!-- This option lets you specify additional options on an XML handler -->
<!--xml-handler namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<renderer mime="application/postscript">
<!-- This option forces the PS renderer to rotate landscape pages -->
<!-- This option lets you specify additional options on an XML handler -->
<!--xml-handler namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<directory recursive="true">/usr/share/fonts/</directory>
<auto-detect />
<renderer mime="application/vnd.hp-PCL">
<!-- MIF does not have a renderer
<renderer mime="application/vnd.mif">
<renderer mime="image/svg+xml">
<format type="paginated"/>
<link value="true"/>
<strokeText value="false"/>
<renderer mime="application/awt">
<renderer mime="text/xml">
<!-- RTF does not have a renderer
<renderer mime="text/rtf">
<renderer mime="text/plain">
<pageSize columns="80"/>
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