Bug#954662: obantoo: Obantoo includes an outdated BLZ.txt

Jochen Sprickerhof jspricke at debian.org
Sun Mar 29 19:01:18 BST 2020

Hi Tony,

* tony mancill <tmancill at debian.org> [2020-03-27 21:19]:
>It sounds like you are proposing creating a separate "obantoo-data"
>package that is updated regularly.
>Fortunately there is only place in the source code that references the
>data file [3] (and then a few further lines down for the CSV file for
>Austria [4]), and it wouldn't be too difficult to write a patch to
>source these files from the file system.  If we decide to go this path,
>we'll want to exclude the data files from the obantoo sources when we
>repack the source archive. (Otherwise we would end up with a large diff
>to represent the deletions.)
>Does that sound like a reasonable solution?  I can help with patch for
>obantoo if that's helpful.

I would be happy to accept such a patch into the obantoo package.
Would one of you be willing to come up with a obantoo-data package?

Cheers Jochen
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