[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] annotated tag v1.3.0 created (now c8b7617)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:22:15 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag v1.3.0
in repository less.js.
at c8b7617 (tag)
tagging 54e1a6ba291fe3ecc191bdc047662e24c6490d00 (commit)
replaces v1.0
tagged by Luke Page
on Sun Nov 25 11:48:27 2012 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Adam Solove (1):
Correctly handle data URIs, add test for quoted data URIs.
Adrian Lang (1):
Make parse error handler more robust
Alexis Sellier (171):
fixed readme.
tweak mixin pattern matching to be more useful
(dist) version bump and build
(dist) build
fix alpha channel being ignored in operations
(test) @arguments
parse whitespace inside function param lists
parse comments inside expressions
better comment parsing in selector list
refactor less-benchmark.js
fix SyntaxError messages not being displayed correctly
Merged pull request #235 from PaulKinlan/master.
Merged pull request #200 from bartschuller/master.
Merge pull request #247 from gilt/master.
support unary '-' on variables and ()
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.44
parse '~' in url(), closes #223
(new) string interpolation and built-in escaping
don't add base-path to data-uris. closes #258
(new) variable variables
Merge pull request #189 from dz0ny/master
Merge pull request #169 from alkemist/master
change @arguments behaviour to be more like js
(test) new @arguments behaviour
(test) fix javascript test
(new) interpolation & escaping of JS
(dist) build 1.1.0
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
(dist) use uglifyjs, update copyright headers
(minor) ws
(dist) build updates
better JavaScript evaluation
(dist) version bump 1.1.1
fix string interpolation with color values
don't re-evaluate arguments on each mixin.call
(dist) verison bump
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
(dist) build 1.1.2
fix alpha(opacity=n) support
(dist) version 1.1.3
(build) 1.1.3
Merge pull request #347 from idris/patch-1
Merge pull request #229 from bennyschudel/master
Merge pull request #335 from ttfkam/argb
Merge pull request #341 from ttfkam/cloudhead_322
Merge pull request #340 from steevel/master
Merge pull request #355 from revolunet/import-querystrings
Merge pull request #388 from erwan/rhino
don't use globals to hold engine mode
fix additional paths not being loaded
Merge pull request #432 from asolove/master
Merge pull request #450 from fat/index-on-element-root
node 0.5.x compatibility
fix css keyframes parsing
fix IE 6 support
Merge pull request #445 from jlaire/patch-1
remove require.paths from scripts
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
require 'util' instead of 'sys'
(dist) version bump & build 1.1.5
(dist) build rhino
fix less.mode in node
fix regression on urls with relative paths Closes #464 #471 #465
(dist) hot-fix 1.1.5
more flexible parsing of vendor selectors
Merge pull request #458 from fat/assignment-entities
fix minor directive parsing bug
fix regression on url.js
Merge pull request #492 from fat/operation-comments
merge named-colors patch
merge named-colors
Merge pull request #507 from garth/master
add ceil/floor math functions, refactor.
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Glench/less.js into yui
(minor) ws
support -ms- vendor extension
Merge pull request #506 from Harrison/master
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
Merge pull request #461 from dmcass/sys-util
Merge pull request #514 from eager/master
Merge pull request #494 from jmcclell/patch-1
Merge pull request #379 from khalsah/bug/chrome-extensions
Merge pull request #496 from wfreeman/master
improve minification process a little
fix duplicate header in minified js
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.1.6
dynamic selectors
mixin guards
improvements to error messages
fix error reporting when index == 0
support vanilla @keyframes
fix error output on unexpected errors
properly support @media and @import features
parenthesized node init
(test) variable in @media feature
Merge pull request #527 from hokaccha/percentage
color() function parses color string
improve function call error reporting
fix string interpolation bug when var is empty
Merge pull request #515 from imcotton/patch-1
additional support for mixin guards
(test) mixin-guards
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
change guard syntax to be more 'cssy'
mixin-guards: support >= != =< operators
improve error-reporting
improve condition parser, support true/false values
support more falsy values
type-checking stylesheet functions
(minor) tidying up
add more is-* functions
and/or for mixin guards
change negation operators to be more cssy
improve import support with media features
(dist) version bump 1.2.0
support '!important' after mixin calls
(test) tests for '!important' mixins
rename is-* functions to is*
remove '^=', support 'not' better
(dist) build 1.2.0
improve errors from imported files
fix bug in string arguments to mixin call
Merge pull request #557 from kmchugh/master
refactor rhino setup logic
(dist) hot-fix 1.2.0
fix 'File not found' import error
fix Runtime error reports from imported files
improve error reporting on browser
fix imports on browser
fix imports on browser
(dist) Makefile: make server
(dist) 1.2.1
(minor) add missing semi-colon
parsing/compiling speedups
(test) string escapes
fix 'missing }' error message
Merge pull request #516 from chrizel/master
(meta) todo paths.unshift fix
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
Merge pull request #479 from tobias104/issue-457
fix url() imports
Merge pull request #585 from fat/newline-selectors
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
use basename when fetching import file contents
add hook for import error
Merge pull request #604 from treshugart/master
Merge pull request #595 from hokaccha/fix_parser_error
Merge pull request #601 from adrianlang/patch-1
(dist) version 1.2.2
(dist) build 1.2.2
Merge pull request #631 from highergroundstudio/master
Merge pull request #634 from sirlantis/patch-media
Merge branch 'patch-media-query-variable' of https://github.com/sirlantis/less.js
Fix '::' selector output, Closes #663
Fix '@arguments' behaviour, Closes #632
Allow '@import' directives in any selector
Variadic argument support
fix error message on wrong-arity call
(test) test for semi-variadic mixin
add ability to bind varargs
Merge pull request #673 from andrewjstone/master
support strings as selectors
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
(test) fix benchmark
variable selectors must be paranthesized
(dist) 1.3
Andrew Stone (1):
fix global variable leaks
Bart Schuller (1):
Added new round(n) function.
Bobby Wertman (1):
Added an AMD module registration.
Christian Eager (1):
Pass current sheet's path to the new Parser.
Christian Zeller (1):
Improved Windows path support in lessc
Cotton Hou (2):
Shift the type setting in order to work with Webkit, and fix typo for IE.
Use if rather than try
Daniel Bergey (2):
Fixed issue (#134) where subfiles' @imports were regarding #, ? and url portions thereafter as part of the base url.
Fix for #198, with regexen, and urlencoding if the token is uppercase.
Dustin Cass (1):
require 'util' instead of 'sys' in lessc and less-benchmark.js
Erwan Loisant (4):
Basic rhino support
Support output to a file
Include compile file
Better recognition of Rhino
Fedor Indutny (1):
Fixed dot in css name error(when using style.1.css and style.2.css), also fixed 'url()' error
Felix Geisendörfer (3):
Fix test suite
Fix @import file loading routine
Fix bin/lessc
Garth Williams (1):
Updated lessc require from sys to util for nodejs 0.6.*
Glen Chiacchieri (3):
Add yui css compressor on lessc for better compression. Call with lessc
Remove debugging statement.
Remove useless variable assignment.
Hargobind S. Khalsa (1):
Accept 2xx statuses even for file requests
Ian Beck (2):
Modified selector regexen to support CSS character escapes, added test files to verify change
add support for @keyframes blocks
Idris Mokhtarzada (1):
Support @-moz-keyframes as well as @-webkit-keyframes.
Jacob Thornton (8):
store index on selector element objects for line number inference
add assignment entities
Merge branch 'master' into assignment-entities
clean up + add test
get spec passing
clean up comment which read confusing
fix comments in operations (ex: *height: 2px * 4 /* ie hack */)
always newline selector lists
James A. Rosen (1):
fixed @media and @page parsing problem
James Foster (5):
Fixes for IE7 compatibility
Fix for IE6 compatibility
Fixed incorrect inputLength. Avoid creating multiple empty chucks for consecutive blank lines.
Fixed inner quotes
Implement parent selector
Janez Troha (1):
Fix for Google Chrome(Chromium), so you can use less in extensions, apps. Adds protocol support but you have to use .json as file extension for css file, otherwise you get "Uncaught Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101".
Jason McClellan (1):
Adding support for absolute paths on Windows.
Johannes Laire (1):
initialize 'options' before using it
Justin Hileman (1):
Add an --include-path option to lessc.
Ken McHugh (2):
Fix to allow compilation with rhino while using asual lesscss engine
Additional update for when window is not defined
Kevan Davis (1):
adding escape function (does url encoding, plus a few missing encodings necessary to embed svg in css)
Kristoffer Walker (3):
Use .overrideMimeType() for Firefox XHR
Support chrome: and resource: location protocols.
bug: window.localStorage in Firefox
Kyle King (1):
Fix spelling on benchmark/less-benchmark.js
Luke Daley (1):
When absolutising stylesheet URLs (they are sometimes relative in IE) handle absolute paths by resolving relative to the server root instead of the url of the current page.
Marcel Jackwerth (10):
added @media bubbling (similar to SASS)
added more complex test for @media bubbling
fixed double-space
moved @media code to own file
remove @media code from tree.Directive
Added automatic merging of media-query conditions
adjusted indent-whitespace to 4 spaces
fixed a bug when using @media with mixins
media-query can now be a variable
Declare `e` properly in `mediaFeature`
Matt Quail (1):
fix implicit vars
Miles (5):
Support for IE's ARGB syntax (#aarrggbb)
Support for IE's ARGB syntax (#aarrggbb)
Merge remote branch 'cloudhead/master'
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
Added a modified version of Felipe Gasper's IE<9 style injection error fix.
Miles Elam (2):
ARGB input removed. ARGB output added with the function argb(Color).
Fixed issue #322 by changing the keyword regex to allow numbers in any but the first character.
Paul Kinlan (1):
Fixing the issue with arbitary property value keywords that contain a number not being parsed properly (for example -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;)
Philip Harrison (1):
Add rem dimension support
Steeve Lennmark (1):
Add support for reading lessdata from stdin by using - as source target.
Steve Losh (1):
fix bin/lessc to work with relative and absolute paths
Trey Shugart (1):
Fixes #602
Victor Berchet (1):
Fix for stylesheets having a '.' in their basename
Wes Freeman (1):
Updating Makefile to not add a redundant header in the minified javascript.
bennyschudel (2):
Added fadeto color function
renamed fadeto to fade
cloudhead (282):
the e() LESS function
Fixed HSL
Added a couple colour functions
fixed readme
bumped version to 1.0.1
package.json update
fixed bug with passing variables to functions
use a hash to store variables, fixes variable redifinition bug
More accurate parse error messages
Support for pattern-matching on mixin calls.
Overhaul of the error system
Local Storage caching, and .less loading from disk
automatically set less.env in certain conditions
use a timer to check when the dom is ready, before showing errors
fixed selector attributes not parsing with a '-'
added information on building less.js, in readme
New `%` function, to perform string interpolation
Evaluate function calls properly.
version bump to 1.0.3
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
fix for when css isn't available in local storage
fix error styles
fix timestamps not being compared properly, when loading a .less
make operations left-associative Closes #20
be more flexible, pattern matching
version bump to 1.0.4
moved index.js to lib/less
nvm compatibility
evaluate Values of length > 1 properly
rename variables() to variable()
tests for value.length > 1 bug
Evaluate arguments before passing them to mixin.
test cases for recent fixes
version bump to 1.0.5
Refactored some of the evaluation mechanisms
don't cache return values. %() plays nice with strings
added ECMAScript 4 compatibility
version bump
fix querySelectorAll call
update README with new api
removed trailing comma, which breaks minification
removed VERSION file, the information is in package.json
removed wildcard parser
(test) made benchmark more realistic
[#.] is not optional in a mixin call
(minor) formatting
(minor) formatting
version bump
(dist) package.json update
(doc) install instructions
(dist) added bin to package.json
(dist) version bump
support [0-9_] in CSS attribute names
support CSS3 @media more fully
@media tests
removed unnecessary code in Ruleset#toCSS
treat Directive like a Ruleset
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
log error if no AJAX available
(doc) added link to download section
(dist) extract version info from package.json
cleanup ecma-5.js
fix optimizations, and errors on multi-line comments
fix parse error reporting when at beginning of file
better fix for parse-error reporting
(dist) version bump
tweaks to bin/lessc
revert chunk split improvement
fix error messages in cli
improve error reporting, include filename
(new) auto stylesheet refreshing with '#!refresh'
(dist) version bump & updated package.json
(dist) fix version extraction in Makefile
dist/ init
Better error messages, wrap browser.js.
decoupled single stylesheet loading
fix generated stylesheet title
move error message css back in error function
(new) ability to @import on the browser
(dist) build
(test) mixin calls throw an error now, if no patterns match
(dist) version bump
fix trying to create CSS from null root [browser]
(dist) version bump
(new) set watch mode with less.watch() and .unwatch()
refactored and fixed css node creation, for watch mode
(dist) version bump
(dist) make 1.0.13
(dist) fuck I always forget to update this version number
(bin) add compress and optimization options
(dist) fix benchmark
(new) css compression support
benchmark with optimization: 3
better error handling
(dist) version bump
(dist) make less
(dist) fix build header license
(dist) fixed licensing in dist/
(api) custom port == development mode
use two fields for cache, so we don't need to parse JSON
don't use a timer to load the stylesheets, or the body starts loading too early
cleanup browser.js
cleanup browser.js, make ajax synch by default, with option to turn off
set optimization level depending on less.env
various improvements to browser.js
use : in ids, - isn't authorized as first character. use firstChild instead of childNodes[0]
(api) less.refresh [browser]
make error messages work with multiple stylesheets
don't give style tags a 'title' attribute, it screws things up. [browser]
don't replace style text if equal to new one [browser]
update error messages if new error [browser]
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.15
(dist) remove old version
abstract localStorage a little
use isFileProtocol variable for dryness
fix/refactor ajax in firefox [browser]
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.16
(dist) wrap script in anonymous function
better cross-environment handling. stub out require() in browser.
put Value in value.js
(dist) require() goes in its own file
(doc) comments
(new) Additions & improvements to color functions.
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.17
fix comments in mixins.
fix lessc optimization parsing
(api) less.refresh(true) reloads stylesheets from source
Improve log() function [browser]
don't break when a node doesn't have an eval() function
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.18
(doc) updated READMe
deleted compiler.jar
proper exit codes on errors, and use stderr
fix error message when no filename, also try to print stack
use bold instead of inverse for column highlight
silent option. pass options through writeError
improve error reporting, provide a one line call-stack
(dist) version bump
removed constructor names
simplify regexps
refactor inheritance in mixin.js
fixed hsla => rgba conversion
(dist) build 1.0.19
critical fix for browser
fix some issues with alpha getting lost
fix error messages with no callLine
fix @import not working. Better error message for empty response
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.20
track parsing/generation time
strip querystring when importing, and caching. Allow relative @import urls
(dist doc) version bump and README update
(dist) build 1.0.21
(dist) build .21 min
fix error reporting
(dist) build
benchmark script can be passed files. also use optimization level 2, cause 3 doesn't exist anymore
fix alpha() with numbers
better chunkification algorithm
don't depend on document.querySelectorAll
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.22
various improvements to the parser, resulting in a 20% speed bump
slice parsing
don't create nodes for whitespace
cleanup, smaller chunks, speed improvements
fix runtime error
fix media type not being preserved when generated css
fix '!important' in certain scenarios
(dist) version bump
(dist) build new version
default to __filename when no filename in env
ability to pass some variables to toCSS in the form of a hash
(minor) ws
don't use __filename if no filename
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
proper chunkification of comments.
minor refactoring in chunkification
removed unused inputLength
(minor) style fixes
fix syntax error with semi-colons in strings
support type=text/less and text/x-less for specifying stylesheets
(new) parse style tags with type=text/less
(minor) style
force refresh on page load in development mode
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.30
support variables in url()
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
(new) less.refreshStyles, and reload styles on refresh()
more robust id extraction from href
fix refresh()'s timer output
remove domain name and root slash from extracted id
support functions in operations
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.31
(dist) update version number in index.js
make mixins behave like closures
reload imports when parsing a stylesheet
(doc) comments
(test) mixin closures
fix error messages with no index
fix mixin definitions inside other mixin definitions
(minor) refactoring
remove evalRules, use eval
don't re-eval ruleset
big refactoring of ruleset.js, move eval code to eval()
fix font shorthand with %
fix compound variable substitutions
change scope.less back, to test late binding
support parametric mixins with #
(dist) version bump and build 1.0.32
(dist) new dist commands to Makefile
small refactor in mixin.match
preliminary support for evaluating JavaScript code inside LESS
modify javascript eval to be compatible with e()
test e() with javascript
fix error reporting with no stack
explicit evaluation of variables within js
Properly chunkify ``
refactor mixin definition parser
IE fix
cleanup ruleset evaluation
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.33
make strings behave like other nodes.
support relative url() paths in the browser
squeeze extra slashes in url()
support uppercase characters in attribute
stateless URL evaluation
add 'rad' 'grad' 'turn' units
basic ability to overwrite some config options in browser
(dist) remove lib/ folder from package
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.34
attempt at url() relative path fix
attempt to fix IE relative urls
improve error reporting
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.35
pass url to errback()
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.36
use 'type' attribute from link tag, when performing a request
add fadein & fadeout color functions
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.37
(new) support for unquoted data URIs in url()
(dist) version bump
(dist) build 1.0.38
Merge '::selector' fix from StanAngeloff
(new) mix function (StanAngeloff)
fix merge conflicts
don't crash if there's no 'lastModified' header
(doc) removed old comment which doesn't apply
(doc) added copyright notice to color mix function
(dist) version bump to 1.0.40
(build) 1.0.40
(doc) update README
(doc) another update to README
(new) JavaScript-style 'arguments' variable
fix options ignored in less.render
(dist) version bump
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
support for directives like @-moz-document
(fix) properly chunkify naked urls
(dist) version bump & build
fix string interpolation with mixins, closes #272
catch errors on css function calls
(minor) ws fixes
(dist) 1.1.4
make mixins work better with complex selectors
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cloudhead/less.js
add '-I' argument to add include paths
add '--no-color' option
improve mixin matching, closes #381
hokaccha (2):
Add function `percentage`
Fix callback called two times
neonstalwart (1):
fixing logic to determine less.env in the browser
revolunet (4):
implement named color conversion
update tests
support imports with querystrings (google fonts) fix #265
fix global variable
robmadole (1):
Fix for #149 Facebook login button fails to work with FF 3.6+
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/less.js.git
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