[Pkg-javascript-commits] [less.js] annotated tag v1.3.1 created (now 017653d)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Mon Oct 26 23:22:15 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag v1.3.1
in repository less.js.
at 017653d (tag)
tagging 68297d7e3850b5eedac825a202eb64f9c80ce183 (commit)
replaces v1.3.0
tagged by Luke Page
on Sun Nov 25 11:46:18 2012 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Alex Ganose (1):
Removed toLowerCase function call so the function name remains the same
Alexis Sellier (1):
Merge pull request #268 from jamesfoster/master
Anders Hellerup Madsen (1):
add support for utf-8, fixes #396 (this time less messy commit)
Andrew Stone (2):
add support for ratios in media queries
media test now passes
Chris Coker (1):
remove transparent from colors.js
Colin (1):
Only set media type when one is present
Colin Snover (1):
Don't try to use variable values that do not exist on the browser. Fixes #190.
Denys Mishunov (1):
If weight is not passed to mix() assume it's 50
Desmond Brand (1):
Fix #423 by preserving order of link/style elements
DocLabyrinth (1):
Changed parser to avoid all alpha() calls being parsed as IE style functions and added relevant tests. Fixes #669
Dustin Cass (3):
Adjust attribute selector regex to allow for numbers and underscores in attribute names (fixes #863, fixes #876).
Adjust all regexes in parser.js to use similar style for character classes
Pass env with toCSS in function call evaluation; Add tests; Fixes #957
Evan Torrie (1):
Added CSS3 specific relative length units
James Foster (2):
Implement named parameters
Fix trailing space when parent selector is the last part of the selector.
Jeff Tougas (1):
adding optional compress flag for rhino command line tool
John Reading (2):
fix for unamed parameter
failing test for 88915649179c879048677f6b8d213b4b2756f676
Kristoffer Walker (1):
propagate deep errors up callback chain
Lucas Green (1):
Added: red() green() and blue() functions, with tests.
Luke Page (48):
Support testing with node on windows
Make rhino error support better
merge compression argument support
make rhino arguments match lessc
allow windows and unix path seperators in rhino. Fixes #828
Add unit tests for transparent to make it clear what went wrong last time. fixes #806
Fix unit test for import-once so that tests pass. Previous test commit had bad assumptions
Fix missing test css from #342
Fix all the parent combinator issues
Allow comparing colors and strings. Fix a bug whereby sometimes a mixin-call or import would disappear. This makes the import test fail consistently instead of once out of 8 times depending on async order I think.
Eval assignments by copying. Fixes #534
Support for support/viewport/page directives. Fixes #847 and fixes #366
Fix regression on shorthand. Fixes #887
Fix #861 and introduce tests for errors
More tests for errors
Fix previous test. Fix error on invalid import. Fixes #761
Make the test runner accept a argument to restrict the tests running (for debugging). Make the test runner pass the filename so it behaves like lessc - this fixed one of the tests. Also corrected the tests to run given the new format of the message
support error tests in windows
Add more error tests from #244
close the file written to in lessc. Fixes #570
eval directives. Fixes #699
Fix bug in media bubbling. Fixes #762
Add test for #826
Move Amd module definition. Fixes #777
Fix typo in rhino. Fixes #896
remove process.exit calls as they do not guarentee a flushed stdout
Fix mixin calls being recognised as mixin definitions when arguments contain spaces and interpolated strings. Fixes #901
Add whitespace tests for previous commit - newline in selectors
Fix other whitespace issue brought up in #406
Remove UTF8 BOM - fixes #650
Add parent selector to user variable
Fix error unit tests to run on any computer
Revert commit mistake
Add tests for #618
tighten up two if statements to stop exception in browser mode. fixes #807
Fix broken test, we should continue the discussion on fixing this in #331 rather than break the tests
Make less more protocol agnostic. Fixes #428 and Fixes #742 and Fixes #706
Re-implement #598 - in browser mode add on path after evaluation. Fixes #598 and Fixes #294
Fix error messages in the browser for imported files with duplicate names (different directory) and links. Fixes #932
At least catch no browser storage rather than balking
New selector interpolation
Review comments from @cloudhead - alter chunker to not chunk @{X} and
Fix unquoted url's, remove special handling of data. Fixes #733
Allow multiline javascript expressions, fixes #885
Support for escaped characters in attributes and unit tests moved into css-escapes
Unit tests for debug numbers
(dist) build 1.3.1
update changelog for 1.3.1
Marcel Jackwerth (3):
added diff-dependency for easier test-debugging
use diff in less-test.js to display more info on test failures
ignore node_modules
Marcus Bointon (4):
Merge pull request #879 from dmcass/attribute-selector
Merge pull request #890 from Harrison/vmin-unit-dimension
Merge pull request #889 from Harrison/master
Add contrast function following the same format as sass. Added tests.
Matt (3):
Remove trailing ANSI escape sequences in no-color mode
Fix error output and extract a helper object for lessc related methods
Add some content to lessc help
Nicholas Clark (1):
Adding "dpi" to the list of valid dimensions.
Paul Mohr (1):
Added -khtml support for @keyframes
Paulo Gaspar (1):
Fix for issue 592. Additional removal of TODOs and Rhino support by
Pavel Shut (1):
Added transparent: rgba(0,0,0,0) as a named color
Philip Harrison (4):
Add dppx and dpcm units to parser dimensions
Add vmin unit to parser dimensions
Merge upstream
Derp, set vmin before vm
Robert Law (1):
Adjusting the line feeds if they're windows based (\r\n) to \n.
Rubens Mariuzzo (2):
Soft light blending mode added.
8 more blending modes added: multiply, screen, overlay, hardlight, difference, exclusion, average & negation.
Sasha Sklar (5):
Merge pull request #796 from comfuture/lessjs
Merge pull request #804 from jreading/664a8d713ce130efa1120f31d2bd18db13ed33c3
Merge pull request #800 from SpadarShut/master
Merge pull request #753 from clarkni5/master
Merge pull request #857 from clmsnskr/master
Sergey Yuferev (1):
added fraction support to round function
Simon Dittlmann (2):
Added colors.js to rhino target in Makefile
Fixed rhino's loadStyleSheet callback invocation (first parameter is the error object and not root)
Simone Deponti (11):
Updated .gitignore (for emacs)
Added media query support.
Fixed some tests.
Fixed debug info test (with comments).
getLocation() seems to return lines starting at 0, therefore we have to add 1.
Removed the passing around of an env.filename that is wrong when doing imports.
Wrapped ruleset debug info passing in condition.
Fixed nested media bug.
Completed tests.
Fixed path replacements in text a little bit better.
Minor fixes.
Sindre Sorhus (1):
Convert CHANGELOG to Markdown
Synchro (1):
Implement tint and shade functions
Thomas Grainger (1):
add namespaced element selector test case from angular.js
Vsevolod Vlasov (2):
Added ruleset source line number dumping support for debugging purposes.
New line is now only inserted between rulesets when not in compress mode.
Will (2):
Allow configuration of asynchronous XHR
Check XHR return type appropriately
ben hockey (1):
added test for selector string interpolation
cloudhead (2):
import-once functionality
remove duplicate rules automatically
comfuture (1):
fixed issue #795
revolunet (1):
fix #31 and #406
skoni (1):
Move error formatting to a seperate function
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/less.js.git
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