[Pkg-javascript-commits] [d3-tip.js] branch master created (now 73c8937)
bhuvan krishna
bhuvan-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 8 06:57:10 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bhuvan-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository d3-tip.js.
at 73c8937 Add Bhuvan and pere to list of uploaders
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 9f6c248 initial commit
new 6f37750 Sane defaults for common string and number content
new 629d673 account for overlapping bounds
new a05c897 tweak radius
new efdc656 first pass at stem
new 7c05329 stem mostly working
new fd091a3 initial bar tip
new 2e90295 tweak positioning. still not 100% right
new c4cc777 simple readme
new 6aab3ca readme tweaking
new 92a7385 beginning of rewrite
new 16321bb implement offset for charts surrounded by padding/offsets
new 767f5a4 implement padding
new 32dc314 implement corner radius
new 0082a82 implement bottom orientation
new 39fd287 need a break, no, really
new 566f6f7 stem added to top orientation
new ca18d18 formatting fixes
new 14d7f03 add todo list
new 4e1f6e9 left orientation
new 3658b9f fix left orientation for rects
new c842b3b right tips for circles
new 424c33d right orient for rects
new 0c8dc55 move orientation types into reusable methods
new c09bf85 reorient when tip exceeds bounds in any direction
new 58bf375 account for clipping on left in all cases
new 5846c77 don't need d3_svg_stem any longer
new 29fdca1 fix for attr and tomdoc docs
new 8ee11f4 all the tomdoc
new 5c83a57 update readme, add auto hiding
new 5cc761f Add minified version
new 23f40f5 still alpha
new 47a6031 add sample data
new c4eb149 add nested groups example which d3-tip fails miserably at
new 015c36e strip trailing whitespace
new d46ba8a every matrix and bounding box in svg and I think I've found something that works
new 51d1027 remove old code
new 3670375 closure
new b085f53 line and circle example
new ddee59a apply tips
new 4f91d28 use getCTM for x offset
new de49436 top position working for circles
new 51a162d Adjust horizontal location for left position and vertical location for target rectangle
new d1bea67 Fix location of rectangle for left position
new 8e0ec2a Use 'x' and 'y' rather than 'dx' and 'dy' for text box
new 74258fa For text box, change alignment-baseline to dominant-baseline
new 02363bb Adjust placement when target object is a rectangle
new 3e05151 Fix placement of tip for left/right orientation
new c011747 Merge pull request #4 from kbroman/master
new 85a8b75 add ignore file
new 5eb6529 use bower for d3-tip and dependencies
new 2569659 update examples to use d3 component
new 77102f5 improve bar example
new 9cc4418 :fire: it down
new cfbafca we no longer need padding, cornerRadius and stemSize
new 2f81791 show tip with evaluated text
new 1706b80 append text to the tooltip
new ad81aa3 use transformation matrix based on user screen to determine bbox
new eb20466 handle circle elements
new 6433d62 kill some examples we no longer need
new cfa3482 basic positioning
new ab5e52f basic top center rect positioning
new 43ec24b add n, s, e, and w to the bbox system
new 2269bdc use new coordinate system to position tip
new 03f20b0 flesh out top and bottom orients
new 3f8b782 rename orient, use direction instead
new 3c1d175 move directions to methods out of tip.show
new 00a955c greatly simplify bounding box calculations
new 234a491 :skull: some redundant vars
new 5f08908 randomize direction in examples
new 1e7a48c delete old vendor code
new 9d2c31f return the tip object in show and hide for chaining
new 50155ef shuffle some private methods around
new 1e69b8f api docs
new a74375e rename to d3.tip
new 1396637 remove debug method from production code
new 5618d9e add directionality class to tooltip element
new 8d825a4 add callout triangle to north positioned tips
new ec59a22 support offsets for tips
new 7e1ac4e offset examples by amount of tooltip triangle
new babb8f6 offset circles to the east in example
new 5f8b1cd test for html
new 6f42b0f remove unused container var
new 8e97076 bump to d3 3.1.5
new f406264 update README to reflect new reality
new 239be94 more readme cleanups
new 5479458 Merge pull request #5 from Caged/point-coordinates
new 98a4e9c cleanup compiler warnings
new 73f522c new minified version
new 4a93785 v0.5.0
new dff54b1 alpha version
new aa6435a fix tip position when document is scrolled in firefox
new 10ab56d alpha 1
new df3e7c9 d3.svg.tip to d3.tip
new a0e2eda add proxy method for setting style values
new f09fd3e example of two tips on a page and "stickyness"
new 449517b add download and installation instructions
new a0c8ee5 move data into bar example to get around crossdomain network error
new 5cf0095 add Makefile
new ce930d6 tweak readme
new 29792d8 production -> development
new 728bcbf rename tip.text to tip.html
new e74aba7 initial pass at documentation structure
new e1a022c test these relative links out
new 6ae5702 add some breadcrumbs
new 4631a5c anchor links for api methods
new 371bffe document tip.show and tip.hide
new 3e48215 add initialization doc stub
new f4214ab fix anchors
new bcdff5b first pass at position docs
new b59d81b complete rename of text to html
new 730e750 first pass at initializing tooltip docs
new 4051786 firsti pass at styling docs
new 2433a91 first pass at updating content docs
new 68180c5 fix link to d3.tip doc
new a8aa828 tweak styling docs
new 26c2a07 Merge pull request #6 from Caged/api-docs
new 24754f4 simplify tip.attr and tip.style
new 8e82dc4 Revert "simplify tip.attr and tip.style"
new 1457d40 add licensing information
new 670a552 v0.5.0
new f3c013c Link to v0.5.0 in README
new e105c22 fix readme. tip.text is now tip.html
new 3e8d15d consistent naming convention
new ea9349a doc fix
new 2ad18a7 use d3.tip.js
new a971659 remove superfluous parenthesis
new f4e97bd implement nw direction support
new 82e63ad implement ne direction support
new 57d4271 implement sw direction support
new 6218234 implement se direction support
new 968add8 update position docs
new defe941 Merge pull request #9 from Caged/intercardinal-direction-support
new 7e7d1d6 update minified version
new f128c67 0.5.1
new 329cfab update version links in README
new a5b1216 use ownerSVGElement instead of reverse lookup
new 98471b9 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 119072a performance test
new 8be8f4b only set directions once
new 49c7941 optimize loop for unsetting previous directional classes
new ca15179 d3's `each` seems to leak
new d5325c8 kill unused length variable
new f762403 regenerate minified version
new 34982fc Merge pull request #11 from Caged/performance-tuning
new d7cf4e4 0.5.2
new a187674 update direction docs with intercardinal directions
new 897c3da fix positioning tooltip links
new dd249e3 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 5509313 Rename component.json to bower.json
new a237fd4 Merge pull request #12 from josh/master
new 6ec781c scrollLeft shouldn't be a global
new 3ba5cdb tweak some syntax casing
new 2ade6fe update readme
new 2f8938e Add trailing semicolon to prevent file concat issues.
new 2a6bcf5 Merge pull request #13 from GUI/master
new 087c15d upgrade d3 version dependency
new d8180eb Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 95ac6fb support bulk assignment for attr and style. Fixes #14
new 656ef7e bulk assignment test
new 3cf018b Merge pull request #15 from Caged/bulk-assignment
new daf735d more ignores for bower installs
new 22bbe48 bump version to 0.5.3
new 40b6047 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 102e85b ignore docs directory when installing with bower
new 8e2cab8 fix header formatting in documentation
new 012f09f Clarify the need for a class name
new 53c0ccf upgrade bower and d3
new d8da843 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 68dd755 Link to live demo and example code
new 87c20b0 added examples for E, S, and W too
new 66489a8 support css transitions
new 4bb2446 this is circles
new a6aa00e add css transition example
new f77b791 Merge pull request #19 from Caged/css-transitions
new d95c220 Update README.md
new ebd645c update minified version
new 8d1a325 semicolon apocalypse
new cb73dbc minor version bump
new b3e1bfd Ignore bower_components directory
new 1e89b2e ignore bower_components and remove erroneous checkin
new 5a32c6c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Caged/d3-tip
new 2bc12ef updated arrow styles and added a working example
new 1c068b3 When hiding tool tips, move them out of the frame, to prevent them tofrom eating mouse over events
new 3cb1aa4 Use pointer-events instead of pointerEvents
new e0e8363 Merge pull request #23 from balasuar/master
new 82eca47 d3 won't translate camelCased properties
new 8e6da06 remove d3.tip.min.js since it was highly likely to be out of sync
new 90c3a4a use lib/index.js convention
new 06a571b bump to 0.6.1
new aa83171 update readme to point to new location
new 7164e35 don't need the name prefix
new 197692c Merge pull request #17 from deanmalmgren/patch-1
new ad4d927 update arrow styles to point to new d3-tip location
new df99e42 body.scroll* is deprecated. Use documentElement instead. Fixes #26
new 41e140a safari still needs document.body
new 603dd1c Merge pull request #28 from Caged/scroll-offsets-fix
new 8ced31d bump to 0.6.2
new d62c4bb allow explict passing of target element
new a787e80 Merge branch 'master' into explicit-target
new 3a2620d check if the last item passed to ship show is an svgelement before we pop the array
new e294f73 bump version to 0.6.3
new 0d3c40c moved the arrow styles to separate css file to stop copy/pasting and provide useful defaults
new 79ac48b updated styling documentation and example links (that now work)
new b520932 add documentation and examples for explicity targets
new 70b1cf3 Merge pull request #30 from Caged/explicit-target
new e5d005c updated to address pointer-events problems in #32
new 8d2758e northward
new 92916ae renamed to index.css; using base css in all examples
new 8d95a04 minor edits to styling docs
new 49729bd added CSS instructions to the README
new d9bcb4d fixed initial style setting for pointer-events
new 67bc95c Correctly detect `document.documentElement`.
new 2de7071 move index.css to example styles
new 749e9f9 use new example stylesheet
new 6c0761c update styling documentation
new e6daee8 update read me, point it to new style location
new 302b3ba Merge branch 'pr/34'
new 15fef5c Merge pull request #38 from BrentSouza/master
new 11325fe fix for makefile so its possible to compile minified version
new e3b87a0 added uglifycss so we can put this on cdnjs
new 7b3b76c switched to d3-tip.min.* to be consistent with package name
new 2a21c0b Added AMD support. Boilerplate code copied from: https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/amdWeb.js
new ff22979 Merge pull request #46 from deanmalmgren/make-fix
new eee6893 Merge pull request #41 from surjikal/patch-1
new 8a8fd0c ensure tooltip is out of document flow on initialization. Fixes #45
new add26c7 fix #47. remove old directional classes when running tip.show again
new 68ce695 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into amd
new be99e94 Merge pull request #49 from deciob/amd
new 1c0b4a1 put scrollLeft scrollTop outside the bbox function, so user can have a full size scrollLeft/Top value, instead of the scaled ones
new ef5c096 bump to 0.6.4
new 936f881 update documentation with an offset callback example
new aeb2e17 Merge pull request #57 from bkg/docs-offset
new 4cd0347 package.json
new 29d76f4 properly export itself in commonjs scenario
new 02132e4 properly inject d3.tip in cjs scenario
new 6b5a2ce Fix screen bounding box detection in case the event target is foreignobject HTML content
new 6114822 Fix scope leak in hide.
new f5008e7 Stronger type checking
new b429723 Merge pull request #74 from bmount/patch-1
new 460b1e6 remove erroneous trailing whitespace
new 9b28d37 Merge pull request #78 from chiester/master
new ecc9856 bind to d3 3.4
new 64f1d63 bump to 0.6.5
new 9e40c3c Merge pull request #79 from Caged/update-d3
new 4bbc12d add requirejs example
new d61b2d3 Merge pull request #82 from Caged/amd-example
new 23d1d78 Merge branch 'master' into test-pr62
new 8b5924c fix module check
new 52a7e6d Merge branch 'master' into test-pr62
new d6f7e71 bump version, add author
new 4c2a248 we're actually at 0.6.6
new 81b1e43 Merge pull request #83 from Caged/commonjs
new 4f6b0f4 Merge pull request #67 from romainneutron/foreignobject
new 442ac76 Add tip.destroy() to remove the DOM element
new 9987c88 Update d3 version (3.4 -> 3.5.5)
new 099abcb Merge pull request #109 from clbn/patch-1
new cbd4fe3 Merge pull request #97 from ahx/remove-tooltip
new a3c33d1 0.6.7
new 07cf158 Merge pull request #110 from clbn/version-bump
new dc1a7d1 Remove duplicate author line from package.json
new 8aeb6cb make d3-tip work with d3js v4
new e3fdc2c use caret operator for dependency
new c4e39f0 do not change previous formatting
new ab1d5fc fix css rendering in chrome
new 75d994c bump to 0.7.0
new 0eea776 Add d3 to package.json to match the bower dependencies
new b6d5eab Use require to load d3 in the CommonJS loader, and export d3-tip directly
new 72cf425 Merge pull request #160 from vdh/npm-dependencies
new 43bbbc0 Merge pull request #144 from panchenko/package-json-remove-duplicate-author
new 6ad188d Merge pull request #162 from vdh/use-require
new b264d9b Patch version bump because NPM doesn't allow re-publishing
new 35382bf Initial Debian packaging
new 0b91228 Update the ITP bug number
new dd87b29 Rename source package to d3-tip.js
new 63ced70 Rename main script file to d3-tip.js
new 73c8937 Add Bhuvan and pere to list of uploaders
The 277 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/d3-tip.js.git
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