[Pkg-javascript-commits] [dojo] 48/149: Fix handling of "${scope}type" property in parser. Fixes #18366. Also refactor parser-args test so it can be debugged independently of Intern.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Feb 27 03:13:46 UTC 2016

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taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dojo.

commit 8107d124ab2f11b020a5bb87b9dc167c293c1aff
Author: Bill Keese <bill at dojotoolkit.org>
Date:   Wed Mar 18 07:32:33 2015 +0900

    Fix handling of "${scope}type" property in parser.  Fixes #18366.
    Also refactor parser-args test so it can be debugged independently of Intern.
 parser.js                                |  2 +-
 tests/functional/parser/parser-args.html | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 tests/functional/parser/parser-args.js   | 59 ++++++--------------------------
 tests/unit/parser/parser.js              |  5 ---
 4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parser.js b/parser.js
index 0a10338..e33ebb6 100644
--- a/parser.js
+++ b/parser.js
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ define([
 				hash[attrData + "props"] = "data-dojo-props";
 				hash[attrData + "type"] = "data-dojo-type";
 				hash[attrData + "mixins"] = "data-dojo-mixins";
-				hash[scope + "type"] = "dojoType";
+				hash[scope + "type"] = "dojotype";
 				hash[attrData + "id"] = "data-dojo-id";
diff --git a/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.html b/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.html
index 9b1a6a1..49d4d29 100644
--- a/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.html
+++ b/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.html
@@ -19,22 +19,52 @@
 					testing: {
 						dojo: 'testing'
-				},
-				callback: function () {
-					ready = true;
 		<script src="../../../dojo.js"></script>
+		<script>
+			require([
+				'testing/parser',
+				'dojo/_base/lang',
+				'dojo/_base/declare',
+				'dojo/domReady!'
+			], function (parser, lang, declare) {
+				declare('tests.parser.Class1', null, {
+					constructor: function (args) {
+						this.params = args;
+						lang.mixin(this, args);
+					},
+					strProp1: 'original1',
+					strProp2: 'original2'
+				});
+				try {
+					// Test when only the options argument is passed, and it does not contain a rootNode.
+					// For 2.0, if we drop scope parameter, change this test.
+					scopedWidgets = parser.parse({scope: 'myscope'});
+				} catch(err) {
+					// For help in debugging output
+					scopedWidgets = err;
+				}
+				ready = true;
+			});
+		</script>
 		<h1>Parser args Unit Test</h1>
-		<div data-myscope-type="tests.parser.Class1" data-myscope-id="scopeObj"
-			 data-myscope-props="strProp1:'text'">
+		<!-- these should match -->
+		<div data-myscope-type="tests.parser.Class1" data-myscope-id="scopeObj1"
+			 data-myscope-props="strProp1:'text1'">
+		</div>
+		<div myscopeType="tests.parser.Class1" data-myscope-id="scopeObj2"
+			 data-myscope-props="strProp1:'text2'">
-		<div data-testing-type="tests.parser.Class1" data-testing-id="normalObj"
-			 data-testing-props="strProp1:'text'">
+		<!-- this shouldn't match -->
+		<div data-dojo-type="tests.parser.Class1" data-dojo-id="normalObj"
+			 data-dojo-props="strProp1:'text3'">
diff --git a/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.js b/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.js
index e8ed278..9be3fda 100644
--- a/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.js
+++ b/tests/functional/parser/parser-args.js
@@ -7,59 +7,20 @@ define([
 		name: 'dojo/parser - arguments',
-		test: function () {
+		scope: function () {
 			var remote = this.get('remote');
 			return ready(remote, require.toUrl('./parser-args.html'))
-				.setExecuteAsyncTimeout(5000)
-				.executeAsync(function (done) {
-					require([
-						'testing/parser',
-						'dojo/_base/lang',
-						'dojo/_base/declare',
-						'dojo/domReady!'
-					], function (parser, lang, declare) {
-						declare('tests.parser.Class1', null, {
-							constructor: function (args) {
-								this.params = args;
-								lang.mixin(this, args);
-							},
-							strProp1: 'original1',
-							strProp2: 'original2'
-						});
-						var widgets = parser.parse();
-						done({
-							widgetsLength: widgets.length,
-							strProp1: widgets[0].strProp1
-						});
-					});
-				})
-				.then(function (results) {
+				.execute(function () {
+					var widgets = window.scopedWidgets;
+					return {
+						widgetsLength: widgets.length,
+						strProp1: widgets[0].strProp1 + ", " + widgets[1].strProp1
+					};
+				}).then(function (results) {
 					assert.deepEqual(results, {
-						widgetsLength: 1,
-						strProp1: 'text'
+						widgetsLength: 2,
+						strProp1: 'text1, text2'
-					return remote
-						.executeAsync(function (done) {
-							require([ 'testing/parser' ], function (parser) {
-								// Test when only the options argument is passed, and it does not contain a rootNode.
-								// For 2.0, if we drop scope parameter, change this test.
-								var widgets = parser.parse({
-									scope: 'myscope'
-								});
-								done({
-									widgetsLength: widgets.length,
-									strProp1: widgets[0].strProp1
-								});
-							});
-						})
-						.then(function (results) {
-							assert.deepEqual(results, {
-								widgetsLength: 1,
-								strProp1: 'text'
-							});
-						});
diff --git a/tests/unit/parser/parser.js b/tests/unit/parser/parser.js
index 4bcac53..f504e56 100644
--- a/tests/unit/parser/parser.js
+++ b/tests/unit/parser/parser.js
@@ -333,11 +333,6 @@ define([
 			// Make sure that parser doesn't pass any unwanted parameters to
 			// widget constructor, especially 'toString' or 'constructor'.
 			// Make exception for dir/lang which parser gleans from document itself.
-			//
-			// TODO: File a bug about ${scope}[Tt]ype being left in the params in
-			// dojo/parser.js. Line 282 in parser.js should alias "dojotype", rather
-			// than "dojoType", to "${scope}type"; this would prevent ${scope}[Tt]ype
-			// from ending up in the object params.
 			for (var param in obj.params) {

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