[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#947184: node-vinyl-fs: makes yarnpkg FTBFS with node-glob-stream 6.1.0-2

Paolo Greppi paolo.greppi at libpf.com
Sun Dec 22 17:18:21 GMT 2019

Package: node-vinyl-fs
Version: 2.4.4-1
Severity: important

This package causes yarnpkg to FTBFS since node-glob-stream was updated.

A sample build log is:

The relevant part is:
gulp build
[12:14:44] Local gulp not found in /builds/js-team/node-yarnpkg/debian/output/node-yarnpkg-1.21.1
[12:14:44] Try running: npm install gulp
[12:14:44] Using globally installed gulp
[12:14:44] Using gulpfile /builds/js-team/node-yarnpkg/debian/output/node-yarnpkg-1.21.1/gulpfile.js
[12:14:44] Starting 'build'...
[12:14:44] 'build' errored after 524 μs
[12:14:44] TypeError: gs.create is not a function
    at Object.src (/usr/lib/nodejs/vinyl-fs/lib/src/index.js:35:23)
    at Gulp.src (/usr/lib/nodejs/gulp/index.js:27:14)
    at build (/builds/js-team/node-yarnpkg/debian/output/node-yarnpkg-1.21.1/gulpfile.js:19:8)
    at Gulp.gulp.task (/builds/js-team/node-yarnpkg/debian/output/node-yarnpkg-1.21.1/gulpfile.js:32:3)
    at module.exports (/usr/lib/nodejs/orchestrator/lib/runTask.js:34:7)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runTask (/usr/lib/nodejs/orchestrator/index.js:273:3)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator._runStep (/usr/lib/nodejs/orchestrator/index.js:214:10)
    at Gulp.Orchestrator.start (/usr/lib/nodejs/orchestrator/index.js:134:8)
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/gulp/bin/gulp.js:132:20
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)

This is super easy to reproduce on sid, just do this:
git clone https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-yarnpkg
cd node-yarnpkg
quilt push -a

The glob-stream node module since version v6.0.0 only exports a function instead of exposing a create method:

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bullseye/sid
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 5.3.0-3-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_US:en (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)
LSM: AppArmor: enabled

Versions of packages yarnpkg depends on:
ii  node-asap                          2.0.6-1
ii  node-babel-runtime                 6.26.0+dfsg-3
ii  node-bytes                         3.0.0-1
ii  node-camelcase                     5.3.1-1
ii  node-chalk                         2.4.2-1
ii  node-chownr                        1.1.1-1
ii  node-ci-info                       1.1.2-1
ii  node-cli-table                     0.3.1-1
ii  node-commander                     4.0.1-2
ii  node-death                         1.0.0-1
ii  node-debug                         3.1.0-2
ii  node-deep-equal                    1.0.1-1
ii  node-detect-indent                 5.0.0-1
ii  node-duplexify                     4.1.1-1
ii  node-emoji                         1.8.1-1
ii  node-fast-levenshtein              2.0.5-1
ii  node-glob                          7.1.6-1
ii  node-imports-loader                0.8.0-2
ii  node-ini                           1.3.5-1
ii  node-inquirer                      3.3.0-3
ii  node-invariant                     2.2.2-1
ii  node-is-builtin-module             2.0.0-1
ii  node-js-yaml                       3.13.1+dfsg-2
ii  node-loud-rejection                2.2.0-1
ii  node-micromatch                    4.0.2-1
ii  node-minimatch                     3.0.4-3
ii  node-mkdirp                        0.5.1-1
ii  node-node-uuid                     3.3.2-2
ii  node-object-path                   0.11.4-2
ii  node-path-root                     0.1.1-1
ii  node-proper-lockfile               2.0.1-1
ii  node-puka                          1.0.0+dfsg-1
ii  node-pump                          3.0.0-1
ii  node-pumpify                       2.0.1-1
ii  node-read                          1.0.7-1
ii  node-request                       2.88.1-2
ii  node-request-capture-har           1.2.2-1
ii  node-resolve                       1.5.0-1
ii  node-rimraf                        2.6.2-1
ii  node-semver                        6.3.0-2
ii  node-ssri                          6.0.1-2
ii  node-strict-uri-encode             2.0.0-1
ii  node-strip-ansi                    5.2.0-2
ii  node-strip-bom                     3.0.0-1
ii  node-tar-stream                    1.5.2-1
ii  node-validate-npm-package-license  3.0.1-1
ii  node-yn                            3.0.0-1
ii  nodejs                             10.17.0~dfsg-2

yarnpkg recommends no packages.

yarnpkg suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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