[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#947184: yarnpkg and gulp 4, node-glob-stream 6 and node-micromatch 4

Paolo Greppi paolo.greppi at libpf.com
Sun Dec 22 17:47:10 GMT 2019

This is fixed by node-vinyl-fs 3.0.3-3 from experimental as that version is compatible with glob-stream 6.x:

I tried building yarnpkg with node-micromatch, gulp and node-glob-stream from experimental.
The build succeeds provided I disable the patch 07-gulp.diff (that was required to make it work with gulp 3.9)

yarn by itself is using gulp 4 since Aug 2018:

So from my POV you can go ahead with uploading to unstable all of them.


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