[Pkg-javascript-devel] babel 7.9.6 update
yadd at debian.org
Sat Jun 6 08:41:33 BST 2020
Le 05/06/2020 à 21:37, Xavier a écrit :
> Hi,
> node-rollup-plugin-babel tests are broken by babel 7.9.6 (autopkgtest
> only: no test during build to avoid circular deps). Here is the
> difference with `npm i` (given by my debug tools). It's the only one bug
> I found when trying to update babel. Could someone take a look?
> The error is:
> /usr/share/nodejs/yargs/yargs.js:1242
> else throw err
> ^
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
* test passed with a copy of some /usr/share/nodejs/@babel modules in
node_modules [2] (with a little patch [1])
* when removing some of them (example with
@babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin), I got a similar but
different error:
1) rollup-plugin-babel
works with proposal-decorators (#18):
TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
Problem exists only with node-babel7 7.9.6, not with 7.4.5
There is nothing strange in test/**/.babelrc
[2]: core helper-create-class-features-plugin
helper-create-regexp-features-plugin plugin-external-helpers
plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions plugin-proposal-decorators
plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions plugin-transform-block-scoping
plugin-transform-classes plugin-transform-computed-properties
plugin-transform-destructuring plugin-transform-dotall-regex
plugin-transform-duplicate-keys plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator
plugin-transform-for-of plugin-transform-member-expression-literals
plugin-transform-modules-amd plugin-transform-modules-commonjs
plugin-transform-modules-systemjs plugin-transform-modules-umd
plugin-transform-new-target plugin-transform-object-super
plugin-transform-parameters plugin-transform-property-literals
plugin-transform-reserved-words plugin-transform-runtime
plugin-transform-shorthand-properties plugin-transform-spread
plugin-transform-sticky-regex plugin-transform-template-literals
plugin-transform-typeof-symbol plugin-transform-unicode-regex preset-env
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