[Pkg-javascript-devel] nodejs-12 transition

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Tue Mar 3 10:29:15 GMT 2020

Le mar. 3 mars 2020 à 10:41, Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org> a écrit :

> Le mar. 3 mars 2020 à 10:39, Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org> a écrit :
>> Le mar. 3 mars 2020 à 06:47, Xavier <yadd at debian.org> a écrit :
>>> Le 03/02/2020 à 20:16, Xavier a écrit :
>>> > Le 02/02/2020 à 11:01, Xavier a écrit :
>>> >> There are no 2 packages to fix at least. I did my best with partial
>>> >> patches but I need help to fix them:
>>> >>  * node-srs: new upstream version not compatible with current libgdal,
>>> >>              need help to fix current version
>>> >>  * node-nodedbi: I'm unable to fix one issue (Nan::Value to
>>> std::string)
>>> >>
>>> >> Other packages looks good or were previously broken (some of them in
>>> >> experimental)
>>> >
>>> > Is there a C++/Node/Nan expert that can take a look at these 2
>>> packages?
>>> Hi,
>>> I fixed a lot of packages that (autopkgtest) fail with Node.js ≥ 12.
>>> Please help to fix last packages:
>>>  * node-nodedbi
>> That one builds but i have troubles running tests in experimental in my
>> setup.
>> https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-nodedbi/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=compat-with-nodejs12
> also i forgot to add that it doesn't need to force nodejs >= 12
> since it builds fine with nodejs 10 with the patch.

I'm testing manually node-nodedbi and it doesn't connect to a DB
It's difficult to debug: i can't find any libdbi client.
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