[Pkg-javascript-devel] newer versions of nodejs-packages
yadd at debian.org
Sun May 2 16:46:04 BST 2021
Le 02/05/2021 à 17:17, Juerg Kapferer a écrit :
> Hi there!
> First: Thank's a lot for the great work you are doing around debian. I
> am a newbe in debian, learning a lot around linux. That might also be
> the reason, why the following question could be nonsense to you.
> I am on an raspberry 4, the leatest and recommended version of debian
> installed.
> On top of this I installed
> - PostgreSQL 11.11 (Raspbian 11.11-0+deb10u1)
> - Nodes.JS v10.24.0
> - npm 5.8.0
> This three packages where all found in and installed via the APT-GUI of
> Raspbian.
> When I now want to install pg via npm by <npm install pg> it warns me,
> that npm does not support nodes.js V10.24.0.
it's just a bad-positive warning, ignore it (fixed in Debian Buster)
> When will there be available a new version of nodes in APT?
> https://packages.debian.org/buster/nodejs
> <https://packages.debian.org/buster/nodejs>
> Or: How could I get a newer version of nodejs elsewhere?
No, you can keep nodejs 10
> Many thank's and kind regards
> Jürg Kapferer
> as George ;-)
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