[Pkg-javascript-devel] pkg-js-tools roadmap

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Thu Oct 21 19:45:58 BST 2021

Hi Yadd,

Quoting Yadd (2021-10-21 11:13:54)
> little proposition for pkg-js-tools 0.10 (experimental):
>  * transform package.json:
>    + remove unneeded fields (scripts, files, devDependencies,
>      keywords,...)
>    + add field 'pkgjsVersion' to be able to produce auto_pkg-js-tools
>      transitions
>    + serialize (to minimize size)

I guess you posted the above to gain input from others less involved in 
the development of pkg-js-tools.

Please note that those not involved already in development also are not 
likely to make much sense of the very brief points you shared.

In other words: Please consider expanding, to raise the likelihood of 
your getting valuable feedback.

 - Jonas

-- * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt * Tlf.: +45 
 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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