[Pkg-javascript-devel] pkg-js-tools roadmap
yadd at debian.org
Thu Oct 21 15:07:10 BST 2021
Le 21/10/2021 à 20:45, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> Hi Yadd,
> Quoting Yadd (2021-10-21 11:13:54)
>> little proposition for pkg-js-tools 0.10 (experimental):
>> * transform package.json:
>> + remove unneeded fields (scripts, files, devDependencies,
>> keywords,...)
>> + add field 'pkgjsVersion' to be able to produce auto_pkg-js-tools
>> transitions
>> + serialize (to minimize size)
> I guess you posted the above to gain input from others less involved in
> the development of pkg-js-tools.
> Please note that those not involved already in development also are not
> likely to make much sense of the very brief points you shared.
> In other words: Please consider expanding, to raise the likelihood of
> your getting valuable feedback.
pkg-js-tools intend to provide an automatic installer for node modules.
Perl, Python,... packages are simple to create: debhelper knows exactly
what to do with a Build.PL,... So the DD has only few things to do.
Node is different and all was done manually (debian/install,
override_dh_auto_build, tests,...).
So dh-sequence-nodejs (provided by pkg-js-tools) intents to automate
some things, trying to reproduce (and adapt) npm behavior:
* automatically install files looking at package.json#files field
and/or .npmignore
* automatically build some things (for now only `grunt` when Gruntfile
* automatically manage components including automatically link them in
node_modules/ directory during build and test
* automatically manage embedded modules (build modules and test
modules) (including link)
* standardize test:
+ no need to write an override_dh_auto_test + a
+ a simple debian/tests/pkg-js/test file is used for:
- test during build
- autopkgtest (using installed files, not source one)
* automatically clean its stuff
pkg-js-tools provides also some utilities to help packagers.
- - -
Proposed roadmap:
* build automatically more things (`rollup -c` when rollup.config.js
exists,...) [#977607]
* die if automatic build fails (then an override_dh_auto_build will be
needed if dh-sequence-nodejs doesn't follow the good way). This is
not the current behavior, that's why I don't want to increase
supported compilers list before this change
* read lerna.conf to automatically calculate
debian/nodejs/additional_modules [#988561]
* reduce package size, including this thread
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