[Pkg-julia-devel] [SCM] Julia branch master updated. debian/0.3.11-1-20-gdbf6516

Graham Inggs ginggs at debian.org
Thu Nov 5 17:53:39 UTC 2015

On 5 November 2015 at 19:47, Peter Colberg <peter at colberg.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 06:06:29PM +0200, Graham Inggs wrote:
>> Lintian complains about the current method:
>> dh-exec-install-not-allowed-here.
> Sorry for that, with commit dbf6516 I get that lintian warning, too.
> If I remove the comments leaving only the lines with symlinks, the
> warning vanishes. Are comments not permitted in .links files?

It could be a bug in Lintian.
I have never seen dh-exec-install-not-allowed-here before.

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