[Pkg-julia-devel] [SCM] Julia branch master updated. debian/0.3.12-2-22-g041ccf0

Peter Colberg peter at colberg.org
Sat Dec 5 05:19:00 UTC 2015

On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 12:43:44PM +0200, Graham Inggs wrote:
> Done.

Thanks! julia built successfully on ppc64el for the first time:


> What do you think of a 0.3.12-3 release including the alternate llvm
> build-dependencies (as above)?  Then we could close bug #803644.
> I don't think jessie has llvm-3.6-dev, so including llvm-3.5-dev would be
> useful for a backport to stable.

I think we can upload julia 0.4 to unstable now. I am still waiting
for 0.4.2 to be released next week, then it should be good to go.

With LLVM 3.8 the performance of the test suite is already much
better. It is not quite on par with LLVM 3.3, but upstream seems
to be working on the issue; things can only improve from hereon.

For our users Julia 0.4 marks an important milestone with the
introduction of module pre-compilation. Use cases such as graphics
and plotting were pretty much infeasible with Julia 0.3 due to the
long module load-times.


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