[Pkg-kde-extras] porting kexi and kpogre to new libpqxx

Eugene V. Lyubimkin jackyf.devel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 12:28:36 UTC 2009

Hello KDE teams,

Some time ago new major version of C++ PostgreSQL library, libpqxx, was
released. In order to reduce number of libpqxx libraries in archive for
squeeze it would be good if kexi and kpogre packages were ported to
libpqxx 3 from libpqxx 2.

The short upgrade overview can be read at [1].

[1] http://pqxx.org/development/libpqxx/browser/trunk/README-UPGRADE

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer

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