[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#575510: kdebluetooth: Unable to install the new experimental version...

newbeewan newbeewan at nativobject.com
Fri Mar 26 14:18:38 UTC 2010

Le 26/03/2010 14:27, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud a écrit :
> Le Vendredi 26 Mars 2010 14:17:28 mourad, vous avez écrit :
>> Package: kdebluetooth
>> Version: 1:0.4~rc1-1
>> Severity: important
>> Tags: experimental
>> Hi, The experimental version of kdebluetooth is not installable because af
>> the dependency to kbluetooth which is a virtual paquage...  Please could
>> you correct that dependency, this is the only KDE4 program to interact
>> with bluetooth ?  Thanks a lot  Mourad
> Hi Mourad,
> The actual version in experimental is 1:0.4.2-2 . It might be that your mirror
> is outdated.
> Please make sure your mirror contains that version and retry. It is very
> certainly fixed.
> Best regards,
> OdyX
I effectively trying to install 1:0.4.2-2 which is the version I can't 
install to upgrade my current version (I'm  using 1:0.4~rc1-1).
my report is concerning the actual version in experimental (1:0.4.2-2).



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