[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#906794: quassel-core: postinst script fails on Debian testing

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Wed Oct 3 22:22:03 BST 2018

On Sun, 9 Sep 2018 11:14:08 +0200 Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org> wrote:
> It looks like you have some PAM configuration that disallows root to switch users with "su".

Yes, the problem occurred on FreedomBox machines where logins for
regular users is disabled.

We have the following line in /etc/security/access.conf
"-:ALL EXCEPT root fbx plinth (admin) (sudo):ALL"

Removing that line allows for error free install (however, we need that

> I'll change the postinst script to "runuser" which is more appropriate for this anyway.

I can confirm that the "runuser" fix works.

Would be nice if you could upload the fix that has been committed.

Thanks for all the effort packaging quassel.


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