[Pkg-kde-extras] Amarok backport?

Kjetil Kjernsmo kjetil at kjernsmo.net
Mon Aug 19 13:48:40 BST 2019

On Monday, August 19, 2019 2:39:54 PM CEST Boris Pek wrote:
> Currently distribution of Amarok in official Debian backports is
> impossible. Due to bugs #784448 and #874811 this package is not included
> in Debian testing, which is source for official backports into Debian
> stable.

Oh, OK, I feared that.

> Once Amarok package will be updated to build with Qt 5.x and will enter to
> Debian testing, official backport will be possible in principle. (Though I
> am not sure that anyone will be interested in preparing it and in
> maintaining during all Debian Buster life cycle.)

Right, I understand.

> BTW why just do not use Clementine music player? It looks quite similar to
> Amarok in its best times.

Yeah, but Clementine seems even more dead than Amarok, it hasn't seen a 
release in 3 years. Actually, was is mostly holding me back is the database, 
I have quite a lot of metadata in there, which I need to migrate, and I 
didn't want to do that right now... :-)

Thanks anyway!


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