[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#919289: Bug#919289: kile: After upgrade, kile will not open until okular installed

D Haley mycae at gmx.com
Mon Jan 14 22:07:24 GMT 2019


Thanks for the quick reply.

> Which kind of system is this?
> You have a mixup of stable and testing/unstable.  This situation is not
> supported.

Its a stable system that I was upgrading to testing.  It normally runs

The upgrade is incomplete because  I was upgrading from inside a DE, and
it wanted to pull the X server, so I was upgrading piecewise whilst
trying to work.

So yes, its incomplete. If this is an is an issue, please feel free to
close the bug.

> What is the exact error you saw?

It looks like the message is from main.cpp:175-176,

175:            KMessageBox::sorry(Q_NULLPTR, i18n("Kile cannot start as
a recent version the Okular library could not be found.\n\n"
176:                                               "Please install the
Okular library before running Kile."),


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