[Pkg-kde-extras] Backports of kmymoney

Micha Lenk micha at debian.org
Sat Apr 11 21:05:55 BST 2020

Hi Pino,

On 11.04.20 16:38, Pino Toscano wrote:
> In data sabato 11 aprile 2020 16:31:50 CEST, Micha Lenk ha scritto:
>> On 07.04.20 11:11, Pino Toscano wrote:
>>> Remember to push the tag for it: you can create it easily using the
>>> pkgkde-vcs tool part of pkg-kde-tools, like this:
>>> $ pkgkde-vcs tag -- -s
>> I just tried that, but it failed:
>> pkgkde-vcs: fatal: invalid Debian distribution for tagging -
>> buster-backports
> Which version of pkg-kde-tools do you have? From what I see, this was
> fixed in version 0.15.31, with this commit:
> https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/pkg-kde-tools/-/commit/b40ae4bef399c90b1a8c9c9c6241a6a2a303fc3a
> In case you run older versions (e.g. stable), either installing
> pkg-kde-tools from testing/unstable or patching the script should work.

In deed, I am using stable. I now installed pkg-kde-tools from testing, 
and it seemed to have worked now. Can you please verify the just pushed 
tag looks sane?

Best regards,

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