[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#1028507: digikam: downloads binary blobs from the internet

Steven Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Sat May 6 01:31:19 BST 2023

forwarded 1028507 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=438317

On Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:24:07 +0100 Christoph Anton Mitterer 
<calestyo at scientia.org> wrote:

> Every time when starting digikam, a dialog pops up asking to download
> some engines for redeye removal and face detection from the internet,
> which would cause them to be stored in /home/calestyo/.local/share/digikam/ 
> Could that please be disabled?

It's coming in version 8.

> a) It's a security risk. It's aboslutely unclear who controls these files
>    (at least not debian).

I hear your concerns.  These files are data that used to be shipped as part of 
digikam and were later unbundled, which led to the download prompt.  You can 
read through the upstream bug for a full discussion. 

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