[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#1086765: kdiagram FTBFS with the nocheck build profile: missing symbols
Helmut Grohne
helmut at subdivi.de
Tue Nov 5 09:37:38 GMT 2024
Source: kdiagram
Version: 2.8.0-1
Severity: serious
Justification: nocheck ftbfs is serious since trixie
Tags: ftbfs trixie sid
kdiagram fails to build from source when built with the nocheck build
profile. A build ends as follows:
| dh_makeshlibs -a
| dpkg-gensymbols: error: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below
| dpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libkgantt2/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libkgantt2.symbols
| --- debian/libkgantt2.symbols (libkgantt2_2.8.0-1_amd64)
| +++ dpkg-gensymbolsWmP1Ng 2024-11-05 09:30:11.036325593 +0000
| @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
| libKGantt.so.2 libkgantt2 #MINVER#
| * Build-Depends-Package: libkgantt-dev
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry14deleteInstanceEv at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry19registerTestFactoryEPKNS0_11TestFactoryEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry5mSelfE at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry8instanceEv at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryC1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryC2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryD1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryD2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest6RunnerD1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest6RunnerD2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry14deleteInstanceEv at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry19registerTestFactoryEPKNS0_11TestFactoryEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry5mSelfE at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry8instanceEv at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryC1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryC2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryD1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistryD2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest6RunnerD1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZN4KDAB8UnitTest6RunnerD2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| _ZN6KGantt10Constraint10setDataMapERK4QMapIi8QVariantE at Base 2.6.0
| _ZN6KGantt10Constraint7setDataEiRK8QVariant at Base 2.6.0
| _ZN6KGantt10ConstraintC1ERK11QModelIndexS3_NS0_4TypeENS0_12RelationTypeERK4QMapIi8QVariantE at Base 2.6.0
| @@ -399,9 +399,9 @@
| _ZN6KGantt6LegendD0Ev at Base 2.6.0
| _ZN6KGantt6LegendD1Ev at Base 2.6.0
| _ZN6KGantt6LegendD2Ev at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry3runEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry3runEv at Base 2.6.0
| - _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest6Runner3runEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry3runEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest12TestRegistry3runEv at Base 2.6.0
| +#MISSING: 2.8.0-1# _ZNK4KDAB8UnitTest6Runner3runEPKc at Base 2.6.0
| _ZNK6KGantt10Constraint10startIndexEv at Base 2.6.0
| _ZNK6KGantt10Constraint12relationTypeEv at Base 2.6.0
| _ZNK6KGantt10Constraint14compareIndexesERKS0_ at Base 2.6.0
| dh_makeshlibs: error: failing due to earlier errors
| make: *** [debian/rules:6: binary] Error 25
| dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2
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