[Pkg-kde-extras] kirigami-addons vs kirigami-addons5

Patrick Franz deltaone at debian.org
Tue Sep 10 20:24:00 BST 2024

Hej Paul,

Am Dienstag, 10. September 2024, 20:14:40 CEST schrieb Paul Gevers:
> Dear Debian Qt/KDE maaintainers,
> Recently you uploaded kirigami-addons5 to unstable. However, it fails
> to  migrate to testing because it breaks binaries from
> kirigami-addons in testing.
> Is there a plan to deal with this? Currently the reverse build 
> dependencies of kirigami-addons5 already migrate to testing but they
> are  not buildable *in* testing, which is an RC issue.

The situation is the following: 

kirigami-addons in unstable is Qt 5-based. A newer version in 
experimental is Qt 6-based and Qt 6-based only.
When we upload said version to unstable, it will break all reverse 
dependencies that still use Qt 5. For this reason, we created
kirigami-addons5 which will stay on Qt 5 such that applications still on 
Qt 5 can use it while we can update kirigami-addons to Qt 6. We have 
filed RC bugs against all reverse dependencies to migrate to kirigami-
addons5, but not all of them have been resolved yet.

Maybe it's time to simply upload kirigami-addons from experimental to 
unstable. This would break certain builds, but the migration is easy.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Patrick Franz

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