specific cdbs makefile for kde 4
Fathi Boudra
fboudra at free.fr
Sun Aug 5 08:23:06 UTC 2007
> I think the process ought to be that we first get the KDE 4 packages
> into usable form and then figure out how to factor the necessary CDBS
> rules into pieces that are most useful to everybody.
KDE4 packages are into usable form, what we miss:
* copyright files, which is awfull and is a time killer.
* upgrade path
* kdelibs kde3/kde4 co-installable
* not uploaded anywhere
but it's probably because we want something ready to use for experimental (at
least, this is my POV).
> I'm not sure what you are getting at, but I find a one-line rules file
> better than a 10 line one.
a one-line calling 3 others files which are not a one-line rules themselve.
it hides other files and make dig into other files to find what we want (it
reminds me cdbs nature ...), when i found a single file more readable
especially a ten-line.
> But I'm pretty sure that by the time the KDE 4 packages are in their final
> shape, it will all look quite a bit more complex anyway, so it's premature
> to fine-tune these things now.
i don't think it's premature. i submitted the cmake.mk one year ago, and play
with kde4 since around 4 months. Sincerely, i don't think there will be more
fine-tuning compared what we have now: something easy to use and
understandable by everybody. And i doubt there will be many improvement now.
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