specific cdbs makefile for kde 4
Fathi Boudra
fboudra at free.fr
Sun Aug 5 10:23:30 UTC 2007
> I don't know if you have forgotten past discussions or just chosen to
> ignore them.
if you talk about kde4 thread started on 27/04/2007, i hadn't enough time to
check the discussion and take it now. I don't ignore anything or drop your
work, i just ask a question and give my point of view.
> cmake.mk:
> Based on the one submitted by Fathi. The kde-specific -DFOO needs as
> mentioned several times earlier to be moved to the debian/kde.mk file.
i didn't find anything on that. Probably irc, but as already mentionned, irc
is not the best to keep discussion tracking.
> The only difference is IIRC that I have removed this nice piece of nothing:
> ifeq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
> # well, -O0
> endif
> ifneq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
> # semi-debug
> else
> # final
> endif
> ifneq (,$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
> # debug
> endif
> and added the kde specific as mentioned.
> The todolist for this is to move the kde4 specific -DFOO to kde.mk.
TODO list not available.
it could be nice that peter after one year ... do something for this point.
i would like to avoid to add specific stuff or diverge something specific for
kde. i would like to use a general purpose cmake.mk provided by cdbs package.
And it can be easily the case.
> kde.mk:
> kde.mk is the successor of the debian/debian-qt-kde.mk file we currently
> have. It is used for stuff that should be in common for packages. The cmake
> -DFOO we have in cmake.mk should be moved to here where they belong.
> kde.mk also contains snippets to decide where to use enable-final, snippets
> to build man pages and to install docs.
the improvement provided by kde.mk are minor:
* we don't build manpages.
* install docs correspond to -DHTML_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML.
* specific cmake parameters for kde correspond to 7 values.
> utils.mk:
> it is utils.mk from cdbs with the patch from 423394 added. The plan is to
> go back to the cdbs utils.mk when this bug is resolved. We need a way to
> add files that shouldn't show up in the output from utils.mk
like for cmake.mk, it could be nice that peter do something for this point.
it will make utils.mk divergence useless, which is something i would like too.
> The move of the -DFOO from cmake.mk to kde.mk is something that we need to
> do, but I don't see it that important to do yet. I want them to be in a
> common file so that we have the possibilities to change and add stuff in
> _one_ place instead of all the many rules files in all packages
i agree on this point, it could be nice to have a common place, but is it
needed ?
so my point is if cmake.mk and utils.mk divergence become useless (hi peter
\o/), we will have only kde.mk which contains specific kde4 parameters.
And kde.mk, now looks like the rules i use ..
> It depends on the kind of changes you need to make. When needing to change
> or add a -DFOO to all packages, having it in all rules files is a great
> pain in the arse. This is why we in kde3 packages also have a shared file
> for such stuff.
today, there's nothing specific for any KDE4 packages.
The point i see is we need a single file for KDE4 (call it rules or kde.mk),
and this file will contain only 7 parameters.
Do we want:
* share this signle file between every packages => kde.mk
* do not share this file between every packages => rules
and i think share a simple (10 lines) file between several packages, more
problematic (e.g.: make sure the change you do works on every packages) than
use a rules per package. It isn't worth the effort.
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