What's up -doc-html ?

Matthew Rosewarne mrosewarne at inoutbox.com
Tue Jan 15 22:45:13 UTC 2008

For the KDE 3 packages, we built HTML versions of the handbook documentation 
for use with doc-base.  However, our KDE 4 packages currently do not build 
HTML documentation packages, with the exception of kdegames.  Is there a plan 
for HTML documentation in the KDE 4 packages?  If not, I can think of three 

1. Do not build any HTML documentation
	HTML documentation would only likely be used in a situation where KDE 
applications are installed, but the user cannot, or prefers not to, use 
khelpcenter.  Popcon stats report that approximately 450 participating 
machines even have these packages installed.  We could remove the HTML 
documentation package from kdegames too.  We could build HTML docs later if 
somebody complains.

2. Create -doc-html packages for each module
	Just like in the KDE 3 packages.

3. Put HTML documentation in each package
	Every application that includes a handbook would also inlcude the HTML 
version too.

I'm inclined towards #1, since I would assume that anyone who installs KDE 
apps will be using khelpcentre.  Thoughts?
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