Fwd: KDiff3 maintenance

Sandro Knauß hefee at debian.org
Tue Sep 10 00:15:45 BST 2019


> Sent wrongly to qt-kde at lists.debian.org,
> so resending to debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org...

ok I mixed up the mailadresses - to reach the qt/kde mantainer team use:
pkg-kde-talk at alioth-lists.debian.net

the debian-qt-kde list is mostly only about automatic mails sent by Debian. 
The team itself uses the pkg-kde-talk list to coordinate. And in your case 
your request is mostly about coordination.

> I've been maintaining the Debian package of KDiff3 for over 15 years now.

thanks a lot for maintaining it for such a long time!
> It's been low effort in the last years; the original developer didn't do
> more than some maintenance. But with the imminent removal of KDE 4 from
> Debian, I moved it to a not-really-ready package by a new developer
> overtaking and porting it to KF5: https://cgit.kde.org/kdiff3.git
> Therefore, unfortunately KDiff3 in Buster is not well working.

It is good to hear, that there is a new active upstream and it is moving 

> Meanwhile, in real life, I got father of twins, who eat up all my time
> and are my priority of course.

I hope the parts that eats your time are things you enjoy!

> I'd be happy if the Debian QT/KDE team could take the responsibility
> for KDiff3 (and move it to more modern means of packaging than Eike's
> Computer ;) ). I'd be even more happy if I could keep upload rights for it,
> but that's second. But, wait...

Well this sounds mostly, that you want to move all the work from your 
shoulders to ours. Unfortunately our team is not that well staffed... I'm more 
thinking about, that we can work together to get kdiff3 package in a better 
shape for Debian and manage it together under the team umbrella. Sure the team 
umbrella gives other team members the ability to take over easily. 

You didn't used any VCS to manage kdiff3 packaging?

> But, wait... second would be someone backporting the remedys for the most 
imminent crashes of KDiff3 in Buster and "make KDiff3 great again". ;)

My workload is already quite high, I won't be able to do backports for kdiff3. 
I checked BTS and I even do not see what bugs hit kdiff3, so I can't even see 
what issues to address and what needs to be backported.

But those are all my personal thoughts...

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