Plasma update

Norbert Preining norbert at
Wed Aug 19 07:15:42 BST 2020

Hi Pino,

> the will to package things considering the demotivating attitude of
> certain external packagers and users.

I guess you are referring to me, because there aren't any other
"external packagers" afais.

You have a very interesting interpretation of "demotivating",
considering that it was me who was told that:
- your work is not up to the standards of a DD
- all the 300+ MR will be straight away closed

This is something that **I** consider demotivating, considering the
non-trivial amount of work I have put into it.

Well, and then I offered help, also in private to Scarlett, without ever
having received an answer.

Feel free to continue to ignore me, but don't start calling out unbased



PREINING Norbert                    
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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