KDE/Plasma update for Debian

Norbert Preining norbert at preining.info
Tue May 5 14:46:59 BST 2020

Hi Sandro,

> well you can use the gitlab API to do this for you, the API isn't that hard to 

Yes, found that and did clone all the stuff now.

> what are the issues? what state you had before?

The packages I builts (versions 5.69-0.1) upgrade to the experimental
version 5.69-1. All the issues were the two I mentioned below:
the virtual api package is used in several other packages I built
(akonadi), so upgrading to the -1 version in experimental breaks.
But your explanations are enough for me to fix this.

> well on kdepim the ABI is not stable, so we came up with this virtual package 
> approach, to bundle things correctly. Because kcontacts and kcalcore moved to 
> frameworks, the ABI is now stable and we can ship symbols files and do tracking 
> via symbols file. We need to do a transition in order to build the rdepends 
> correctly.

OK, agreed. Thanks.

> kcalcore is currently also in NEW queue, because of a new -doc package.I 
> shipped 4:19.08.3+really5.69.0-1~ to experimental, so other packages can 
> depend on the new kcalcore. The version in NEW is 5:5.69.0-1.

Ahh, thanks. The +really version hasn't arrived at my mirror till now.
And now I see the NEW version. Thanks.

So, that seems all fine.

Now that frameworks are uptodate, what about Plasma and Apps?
As I wrote in the other email, I have already forked/cloned all plasma
apps and will create PR for the changes in experimental for

The Apps have 20.04 and we could upload new versions of the apps with
new dependencies on kcalcore 5:5.69.0 instead of the API version virtual



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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