[pkg-lxc-devel] Bug#1002564: Bug#1002564: lxc: packaging adjustments for LXD

Mathias Gibbens mathias at calenhad.com
Sat Jan 29 02:41:40 GMT 2022

On Fri, 2022-01-28 at 01:33 +0100, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:
> I've made some changes I've decided to upload on salsa and on
> experimental.
> If you're able to test these changes on some clean environment, I'd
> be
> happy if you could do it as I like the time to redo a clean testing
> environment for lxc right now.
> If you can't, I'll try to do it this weekend or during the next week.

  Thanks! I took a quick look this evening and noticed one thing -- the
directory `usr/lib/*/lxc/rootfs` is still listed in the d/lxc.install
file. Can that also get moved over into the liblxc-common package? LXD
expects to be able to use that directory similarly to lxc when starting
up containers.

  As it looks like liblxc-common is including the
/usr/sbin/init.lxc{,.static} binaries it can't be an Architecture: all
package, so having a directory with an architecture-dependent path
hopefully won't be an issue. (Side note, in d/control, would it make
sense to keep liblxc-common as Architecture: linux-any to match all the
other binary packages that are built?)

  I'll do a build and test of LXD in a fresh environment this weekend
and report back on any other issues I find.

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