[pkg-lxqt-devel] Processed: nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the "User Comment" metadata of the image

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Fri Nov 13 01:18:04 GMT 2020

Processing control commands:

> retitle -1 nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the "User Comment" metadata of the image
Bug #974616 [nomacs] nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the comment of the image
Changed Bug title to 'nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the "User Comment" metadata of the image' from 'nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the comment of the image'.
> severity -1 minor
Bug #974616 [nomacs] nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the "User Comment" metadata of the image
Severity set to 'minor' from 'normal'
> tags -1 upstream
Bug #974616 [nomacs] nomacs: "charset=Ascii" appears before the "User Comment" metadata of the image
Added tag(s) upstream.

974616: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=974616
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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