mate desktop area not accessible after testing last update?

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe mengualjeanphi at
Sun Jun 5 14:14:45 UTC 2016


Thanks for report.

Yes, I confirm the problem. I don't know wether the problem is upstream,
or due to the fact Debian maintainers haven't finished packaging. But
given that mate 1.14 had other problems with applets, I suspect it's
upstream. I've just reported here:

Upstream is expecting for tests for 2 other bugs related to
accessibility. They plan a 1.14.1 after fixing this. Once released, I
hope MATE team will package it before freeze, otherwise I'll fill bugs
to fix them for next stable.


Le 05/06/2016 à 15:45, Michelangelo Rodriguez a écrit :
> Hi all,
> After i upgraded caja to the version 1.14.1-1 orca does'nt read icons in
> the desktop area anymore.
> Someone had the same problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Miguel


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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