June 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jun 1 11:19:40 UTC 2016
Ending: Thu Jun 30 22:30:46 UTC 2016
Messages: 284
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Yasen Atanasov
- Bug#826221: pluma: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 not supported
Vince Barwinski
- Вземи батерия за лаптоп с 12 месеца гаранция от Batteryland.bg
- Bug#826619: pluma: Pluma - external tools missing
Gene Benson
- Comments regarding numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1_amd64.changes
Jeremy Bicha
- Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
Jeremy Bicha
- Bug#826488: mate-polkit: Please provides polkit-1-auth-agent instead of policykit-1-gnome
Laurent Bigonville
- Bug#828158: Mate 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.20.6-1) no colors in Home folder
Nitko Bitan
- Bug#828158: Mate 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.20.6-1) no colors in Home folder
Nitko Bitan
Malin Broman
- We have an open position in our team for you!
- We have an open position in our team for you!
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Jordi Burguet Castell
- be prepared
Steven Chamberlain
- Bug#826183: FTBFS on non-Linux architectures
James Clarke
- Bug#828698: mate-tweak: make compton optional
Denis Danilov
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Le Déchaîné
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Le Déchaîné
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Le Déchaîné
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Le Déchaîné
- Great Way to Increase Your Product Base! Find Out!
Mamdoh Fahmy
- Bug#825791: caja crashes
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826170: pluma: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected.
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826171: (no subject)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826977: RM: mate-netspeed -- ROM; Now included in src:mate-applets
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826978: RM: gnome-main-menu -- ROM; no GTK3 variant available
Mike Gabriel
- plank lintian issues
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#825574: mate-icon-theme-faenza: adequate reported many broken symlinks for mate-icon-theme-faenza
Mike Gabriel
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826183: FTBFS on non-Linux architectures
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826261: caja: rename problem
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826374: mate-desktop: Provide an alternative GTK2 build of MATE
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826261: caja: rename problem
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826261:
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826594: caja-image-converter: automatic sub-directory
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826594: caja-image-converter: automatic sub-directory
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826595: caja-sendto: further options using zip and bzip2 (and add 7zip, rar, etc)
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826200: atril: doesn't start
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826636: The screensaver fails to hide the second screen in dual screen configuration
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826261:
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#826950: mate-sensors-applet: Applet crashes on start (MATE 1.14.1): "trap int3"
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#827901: caja-sendto does not pass any parameters to mailer, so send to mail does not work at all
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#827901: caja-sendto does not pass any parameters to mailer, so send to mail does not work at all
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#828158: mate-backgrounds: Mate 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.20.6-1) no colors in Home folder
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#828158: Mate 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.20.6-1) no colors in Home folder
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
- Bug#825930: Marco crashes when switching windows with composition and thumbnails enabled
Raphaël Halimi
- Bug#827766: atril: faulty window to select files
G. Heine
Ms.Claudia Hiu
- mate desktop area not accessible after testing last update?
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
- Bug#826374: mate-desktop: Provide an alternative GTK2 build of MATE
MENGUAL Jean-Philippe
- Bug#826950: mate-sensors-applet: Applet crashes on start (MATE 1.14.1): "trap int3"
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Jimmy K.
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Jimmy K.
- Bug#826092: pluma broken after todays update (debian testing)
Jimmy K.
- Bug#826099: mate-desktop 1.14 not yet in testing, breaking pluma, terminal (etc?) unless installed from unstable.
Jimmy K.
- Comments regarding numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1_amd64.changes
Chris Lamb
- Bug#828077: mate-panel: Mouse focus problem with stack of applications
Frederic MASSOT
- Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
Charles Malaheenee
- Bug#826374: mate-desktop: Provide an alternative GTK2 build of MATE
Tom Maneiro
- Processing of mate-applets_1.14.0-3_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of atril_1.14.1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- atril_1.14.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-applets_1.14.0-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-system-monitor_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-system-monitor_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-menu_16.10.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-menu_16.10.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-panel_1.14.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-tweak_16.10.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-menu_16.10.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-themes_3.20.8-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-icon-theme_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-icon-theme-faenza_1.14.0+dfsg1-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-icon-theme_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-icon-theme-faenza_1.14.0+dfsg1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-menu_16.10.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-panel_1.14.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-themes_3.20.8-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-tweak_16.10.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-optimus_16.10.0-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-optimus_16.10.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#826977: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#826977: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#826978: Removed package(s) from unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-indicator-applet_1.14.1-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-indicator-applet_1.14.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-dock-applet_0.72-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-tweak_16.10.2-1_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-dock-applet_0.72-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-tweak_16.10.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Processing of mate-power-manager_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes
Debian FTP Masters
- mate-power-manager_1.14.0-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- numix-icon-theme_0~20160619.217701b-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Debian FTP Masters
- Bug#826261: caja: rename problem
- Bug#826261: caja: rename problem
- Bug#826261:
- Bug#826261:
- Bug#826594: caja-image-converter: automatic sub-directory
- Bug#826595: caja-sendto: further options using zip and bzip2 (and add 7zip, rar, etc)
- Bug#826171: (no subject)
Frank McCormick
- Bug#826636: The screensaver fails to hide the second screen in dual screen configuration
Alex Mestiashvili
- Bug#826636: The screensaver fails to hide the second screen in dual screen configuration
Alex Mestiashvili
Major General Bert K. Mizusawa
- mate-menu copyright patch
Vangelis Mouhtsis
- Bug#826200: atril: doesn't start
Vangelis Mouhtsis
- Гореща лятна разпродажба и много нови летни предложения в NEUSTOIMA.bg
- Bug#825930: Marco crashes when switching windows with composition and thumbnails enabled
Vlad Orlov
- Bug#803271: caja crashes when I try to delete network file
Vlad Orlov
- Bug#821001: marco: cannot find how to configure compton
Vlad Orlov
- Bug#826619: pluma: Pluma - external tools missing
Vlad Orlov
- Bug#825930: Marco crashes when switching windows with composition and thumbnails enabled
Vlad Orlov
- My name is Eve Parker, 28 years old single lady, a Canadian citizen, I wish to inquire of your services to be my foreign partner / investor and support me to transfer and manage my funds by investing in profit making ventures like buying of company shares or Real Estate Investment Trust funds ,i am not in Canada now. I don't have anybody here. I have a reasonable sum that I inherited from my father Mr. Franks Parker, which I would like you to help me invest it in your country. Attached here are my personal photos, evidence of deposit of the fund, my international passport and my late father; s death certificate in France. I am sending all these for you to have confidence that you are dealing with a genuine person. Please reply me as soon as you read this message and the documents so that I can know how to proceed. Best regards Miss Eve Parker. Skype=(eve.parker77) Note:below is the major reason i am contacting you. (1) To provide a new empty bank account which this money would be transfer. if you dont want us to use your personal account . (2) To serve as a guardian of this fund since bank insist that their agreement with my father was that i provide a foriegn partner before releasing the fund. (3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country.
Eve Parker
Mariyana Petrova
Mariyana Petrova
- Bug#826170: pluma: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected.
Tom Pino
- Bug#826200: atril: doesn't start
Bárdosi Péter
- Bug#826950: Fwd: Bug#826950: mate-sensors-applet: Applet crashes on start (MATE 1.14.1): "trap int3"
Julian Raisch
- offre de prêt
Ana Ristic
- HI
- inquiry product
Dr. Amarjeet Sharma
- Bug#826200: atril: doesn't start
Mirko Stoffers
- Bug#826090: marked as done (mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826091: marked as done (mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826092: marked as done (pluma broken after todays update (debian testing))
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826099: marked as done (mate-desktop 1.14 not yet in testing, breaking pluma, terminal (etc?) unless installed from unstable.)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#825791: caja crashes
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#825805 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#825805: marked as done (atril: fails to upgrade from 'jessie' - trying to overwrite /usr/lib/atril/atril-convert-metadata)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826170: pluma: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected.
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826171: (no subject)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826200: marked as done (atril: doesn't start)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826221: marked as done (pluma: Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 not supported)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826261: caja: rename problem
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#826183 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826183: marked as done (FTBFS on non-Linux architectures)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: marco: cannot find how to configure compton
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: marco: cannot find how to configure compton
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#826349 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826579: marked as done (onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826349: marked as done (mate-menu: broken with mate 1.14)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826636: The screensaver fails to hide the second screen in dual screen configuration
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826261:
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#826950: marked as done (mate-sensors-applet: Applet crashes on start (MATE 1.14.1): "trap int3")
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#825452 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Bug#825444 marked as pending
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#825444: marked as done (mate-icon-theme-faenza: Please switch to gtk-update-icon-cache)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#825452: marked as done (mate-icon-theme: Please switch to gtk-update-icon-cache)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#754895: marked as done (mate-netspeed: errors repeatedly upon disconnect)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#827901: caja-sendto does not pass any parameters to mailer, so send to mail does not work at all
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: raise severity of GCC 6 ftbfs issues in preparation for GCC defaults change
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: Re: Bug#826579: onboard: Failed to start without gir1.2-atspi-2.0
Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#827901: caja-sendto does not pass any parameters to mailer, so send to mail does not work at all
Erik Thiele
- Bug#827901: caja-sendto does not pass any parameters to mailer, so send to mail does not work at all
Erik Thiele
- ПРСР 2014-2020 - Как да разработим бизнес план и да кандидатстваме
Bcert Training
- Разработване и управление на проекти - Еврофондове 2014 - 2020
Bcert Training
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826090: mate-terminal broken after todays upgrade (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- Bug#826091: mate-desktop: clock (and included mini-weather applet) not showing after todays update (debian testing)
Santiago Vila
- RE
Gretchen Weber
- RE
Gretchen Weber
- Bug#826349: mate-menu: broken with mate 1.14
Martin Wimpress
- Bug#826171: (no subject)
Sebastian Wyngaard
- Bug#826349: mate-menu: broken with mate 1.14
Sebastian Wyngaard
- Bug#826349: mate-menu: broken with mate 1.14
Sebastian Wyngaard
- Bug#826349: mate-menu: broken with mate 1.14
Sebastian Wyngaard
- Bug#828811: mate-panel: boton of panel not disappear
- thank you! (MATE 1.14 in debian testing)
- Bug#827230: mate-control-center: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#827231: mate-media: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#827229: mate-netbook: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#827232: mate-power-manager: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#827233: mate-user-share: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#827234: caja: Uses deprecated libunique3
biebl at debian.org
- Bug#826261: (no subject)
- Bug#828158: mate-backgrounds: Mate 1.14.1 (Gtk 3.20.6-1) no colors in Home folder
- hi
gift trayon
- onboard is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- mate-indicator-applet is marked for autoremoval from testing
Debian testing autoremoval watch
- caja-dropbox 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- caja-extensions 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- engrampa 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- eom 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libmatemixer 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libmateweather 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-backgrounds 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-common 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-icon-theme 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.14.0+dfsg1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-indicator-applet 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-netbook 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-notification-daemon 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-polkit 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-power-manager 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-system-monitor 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-terminal 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-themes 3.20.7-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-user-guide 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-user-share 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-utils 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mozo 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- pluma 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- python-caja 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- caja 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- libmatekbd 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-desktop 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-media 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-panel 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-screensaver 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-session-manager 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-settings-daemon 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- marco 1.14.2-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-control-center 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-desktop-environment 1.14.0+2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-menus 1.14.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-tweak 16.10.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- onboard 1.2.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- atril 1.14.1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-applets 1.14.0-3 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-system-monitor 1.14.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-menu 16.10.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- gnome-main-menu REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-netspeed REMOVED from testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-icon-theme 1.14.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-icon-theme-faenza 1.14.0+dfsg1-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-menu 16.10.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-optimus 16.10.0-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-panel 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-themes 3.20.8-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-tweak 16.10.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-indicator-applet 1.14.1-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-dock-applet 0.72-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-power-manager 1.14.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- mate-tweak 16.10.2-1 MIGRATED to testing
Debian testing watch
- Фото пътеводител на българските водопади - последни бройки + подарък и безплатна доставка!
Бико България
- 60 идеи за разходка в Източни Родопи
Бико България
- Стенни и покривни сандвич панели и профилна ламарина на много изгодни цени
Руукки България
- Практически курс по Интернет маркетинг!
- Ти печелиш от ЕВРО 2016
Вива Кредит
- Вижте най-търсените модели с преференциални цени само за Вас
Дървени Слънчеви Очила
- Актуално! Управление на проекти
- Практическо обучение за НЕпрофесионалисти
Изработка на онлайн магазин
- Практическо обучение за НЕпрофесионалисти
Изработка на онлайн магазин
- Реклами в Google – обучение за НЕпрофесионалисти!
Реклами в Google – обучение
- Реклами в Google – обучение за НЕпрофесионалисти!
Реклами в Google – обучение
- Реклами в Google – обучение за НЕпрофесионалисти!
Реклами в Google – обучение
- Следвай правилните стъпки
Продажби онлайн
- Специална оферта за Почивка в Клуб Хотел Мурите през месец юни
Мурите Клуб хотел
- Разгледайте нашите летни предложения за планина и море!
Мурите Клуб хотел
- why does mate-themes still need gtk2-engines
shirish शिरीष
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 22:30:46 UTC 2016
Archived on: Sat Jul 2 02:55:10 UTC 2016
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