Bug#825659: Most themes lack a border around the title bar on maximized windows

Raphaël Halimi raphael.halimi at gmail.com
Sat May 28 14:40:04 UTC 2016

Package: mate-themes
Version: 3.20.7-1
Severity: minor
Tags: upstream


Since version 3.20 of mate-themes, all themes except TraditionalOK and
TraditionalGreen lack a border around the title bar on maximized
windows. It makes the panel and the window title bar look as if they
were the same widget (except with GreenLaguna, but only because the
panel and the title bar have slightly different colors).

Aside of the aesthetic annoyance, it may seem insignificant, but IMHO it
gives those themes an amateurish feeling, and I think the MATE desktop
as a whole would greatly benefit from mimicking the previous versions of
those themes more closely, especially for attracting new users; hence
the bug report.

Of course, if this isn't a bug but intentional behavior from upstream,
feel free to close the bug.


Raphaël Halimi

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