[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#904256: chromium does not load Debian packaged webext extensions

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Fri Aug 10 22:49:44 BST 2018


Neither your suggestion nor:

% /usr/share/doc/webext-ublock-origin> cat chromium.d/load_extensions 
export CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --load-extension=`ls -dm /usr/
share/chromium/extensions/*|tr -d '\n'`"

makes Chromium 68.0.3440.75-2 load the extension for me.

However Chromium also does not load HTTPS Everywhere, installed as 
Debian package.

So I keep them installed from plugin store, with the following work-
around to make that possible, for now:

% cat /etc/chromium.d/extensions 
# remote extensions on by default
export CHROMIUM_FLAGS="$CHROMIUM_FLAGS --enable-remote-extensions"

According to manpage of chromium it does not support "--load-extension" 
at all. Also "chromium --help" does not show this option.

I would like the Debian packaged version of uBlock Origin also in 


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