[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] tree-style-tab conversion to WebExtensions

Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob at debian.org
Wed Jul 25 20:03:33 BST 2018

On Thursday, 26 July 2018 3:58:00 AM AEST Ximin Luo wrote:
> to create these zips during build time rather than postinst time?

There are some good reasons to zip on postinst rather than on build time.

Unpacked addons is what Chromium needs (for those addons that support both 
browsers) and addons directory should be prepared for browser consumption in 
DFSG-compliant manner where some files (like source-less pre-minified .js 
files) should be replaced with symlinks to files provided by corresponding 
packages. Luckily tree-style-tab don't seem to carry non-DFSG files that 
needs replacing but that's not a usual case.

Preparing Firefox's zip bundle on build-time requires same dependencies on 
build and install time. Also making zip on build-time is more difficult as 
one would have to assemble addon directory with all symlinks on build time.

Compressing from postinst is easier because addon directory is already 
prepared as required.

Besides maybe there is a way to drop Firefox addons cache (how?) and avoid 
zip bundle in which case there are less changes to accommodate.

All the best,
 Dmitry Smirnov.


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get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or
ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.
        -- Julian Assange, 2010
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