[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#907740: webext-debianbuttons: significantly less convenient than the old xul-ext-debianbuttons

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sat Sep 1 12:29:06 BST 2018

Control: tags -1 confirmed upstream

-=| Francesco Poli (wintermute), 01.09.2018 09:59:34 +0200 |=-
> Package: webext-debianbuttons
> Version: 2.1-2
> Severity: important
> Unfortunately, though, when starting firefox-esr, I can no longer
> see my usual debian-buttons.
> I was hoping to see my previous debian-button configuration
> transparently migrated to the new version, but that does not
> seem to be the case.
> Apparently there is a single Debian swirl button, where
>  * I have to click in order to get a menu
>  * then I have to paste the clipboard content into a text field
>  * finally I have to click or right-click on one of the enabled options
> All this seems to be extremely slow, compared with the old "select
> some text and click on one button" feature of the previous
> package xul-ext-debianbuttons version...

(Speaking from upstream point of view)

Welcome to the new world of web-extensions :|

As far as I can see, all web-extensions are given at most one button 
on the toolbar. At least users no longer have to add them manually.

The paste hapens automatically, but it is a <Ctrl-V>-kind of paste, 
(desktop environment keyboard) not middle mouse click (x clipboard). 
This is the only access to the clipboard that exists in the web-ext 

BTW you can also click on the "disabled" buttons, which only look like 
they are disabled.

I agree this is different and less comfortable compared with the 
pre-webext version. I only have hopes to ever fix the second point. 
I guess access to the X clipboard may be added in a future firefox 

> Is there any chance to get the old-style buttons again?
> Please let me know.

Apart of splitting the extension in to several (ouch!), I think not.

-- dam

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