[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#907740: webext-debianbuttons: significantly less convenient than the old xul-ext-debianbuttons

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Wed Sep 26 12:17:02 BST 2018

Control: forwarded -1 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1494266

-=| Francesco Poli, 02.09.2018 19:38:38 +0200 |=-
> On Sat, 1 Sep 2018 11:29:06 +0000 Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> [...]
> > The paste hapens automatically, but it is a <Ctrl-V>-kind of paste, 
> > (desktop environment keyboard) not middle mouse click (x clipboard). 
> > This is the only access to the clipboard that exists in the web-ext 
> > API.
> I cannot understand how to make the automatic paste happen.
> If I select something and then hit [Ctrl+C], I still have to:
>  * click on the Debian button in order to get a menu
>  * paste the copied selection with [Ctrl+V] into the text field
>  * click or right-click on one of the options

It is supposed to work like this (and works like this for me, under 

 * You select and copy e.g. a bug number
 * Click on the Swirl in the browser (tried firefox and firefox-esr 
   from sid)
   - an automatic paste into the text input should happen
 * click or middle-click (for opening in a new tab) on some of the 
   links in the window

> This looks even slower than the other, X-clipboard-based procedure

It is still slower, but at least there should not be any need to paste 
via Ctrl+V

If the automated pasting does not work, I am not sure what the 
extension can do - it only has access to the API, and if that works 
here, maybe there is some difference in your environment.

Perhaps you can compare the output of:

 * xclip -o (should output the text in the X selection buffer)
 * vis-clipboard --paste (should output the text that was copied via 
   Ctrl+C; even when xclip -o does not output anything, because the 
   X selection is empty)

> It would be great, if, at least, the extension could read the X
> clipboard, without using the text field.
> If this could be implemented, the text field could be completely
> removed and the user could select some text and then:
>  * click on the Debian button
>  * click or right-click on one of the options
> It would still require twice as many clicks as the pre-webext version,
> but it could be considered acceptable...

I'd like to achieve this too :)
I have opened a ticket in bugzilla: 

The text input is there only as an aid in case the user wants to make 
a small correction before choosing an option below. It can be ignored 
if its contents are filled automatically.

-- dam

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