[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#919557: Bug#919557: webext-umatrix: garbled display of toolbar menu in Firefox 64.0-1

Antoine Beaupré anarcat at debian.org
Fri Oct 25 17:05:21 BST 2019

On 2019-10-25 11:58:37, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> On 2019-09-04 23:05:19, Paul Wise wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Feb 2019 07:47:00 +0000 Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> For the time being you can work around the issue either by using
>>> firefox-esr instead of firefox (65) which is why I myself had not yet
>>> noticed this issue, it was working perfectly fine for me.
>> Unfortunately Firefox ESR 68 has now reached Debian unstable.
>>> If you cannot run firefox-esr and must run firefox 65, you can also
>>> work around the issue by running:
>>> $ sudo rm /usr/share/webext/umatrix/lib/punycode.js
>>> $ sudo cp /usr/share/javascript/punycode/punycode.js /usr/share/webext/umatrix/lib/punycode.js
>> This workaround is no longer sufficient to fix the issue. I also tried
>> removing other symlinks and replacing them with the equivalent files
>> but this didn't help either.
> I also see this problem, on Debian 10 buster, after upgrading to FF 68.
> But what I found strange is that I did the upgrade on two different
> machines, and one survived: my laptop doesn't have problems with
> uMatrix, as far as I can tell.
> Note that this bug also triggers #916594 which means it's impossible to
> restore from backups.
> That said, the above "rm + cp" workaround *did* work here,
> strangely. Not sure what I have different from pabs...

... ah. but the bug described in #916594 *does* still happen now: the
display is correct, but the "My rules" dialog is blank:


The nice thing is that while the "My rules" dialog looks blank, the
rules *are* actually still there, and it's possible to export the
configuration in the "About" dialog. Then I can get a working umatrix
extension again with the following procedure:

 1. go into the uMatrix preferences
 2. in the About dialog, backup to a file
 3. quit firefox
 4. apt purge webext-umatrix
 5. start firefox
 6. install umatrix from the addons.mozilla.org site
 7. go in the preferences, about dialog, restore

Now uMatrix works again, although without the Debian package. I couldn't
figure out how to have the "My rules" dialog work properly in the Debian


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                         - Buddha

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