[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] Bug#982758: webext-browserpass: Failed to install on upgrade to bullseye

Daniel Baumann daniel.baumann at progress-linux.org
Wed May 5 07:34:51 BST 2021

severity 982758 important


I've tried both upgrading from a default buster to sid (browserpass
2.0.22-2 to 3.7.2-1), as well as from a default sid (browserpass
3.4.1-4+b2 to 3.7.2-1).. and can't reproduce it, thus lowering the
severity to important.

As browserpass is a dependency of a meta-package of mine in Debian
(which would get removed from testing if browserpass is removed), I'm
happy to help fixing it if someone can help me reproduce it.


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