Bug#370599: License terms for AMR floating point C-code?

Johan Walles johan.walles at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 14:39:55 UTC 2008


I have downloaded the AMR floating point C code from

Under what license terms is this code published?

The problem I'm trying to solve is:
* I shot a short film on my SonyEricsson P1i.
* I downloaded it to my Debian system.
* I can watch it, but I don't get any sound :-(.
* Because of the unclear licensing terms of your reference
implementation for sound decoding, Debian cannot legally distribute an
AMR sound decoder (http://bugs.debian.org/370599).

If you could clarify the license terms of this code, I would
appreciate that a lot.  The current situation of me shooting movies
with my cell phone that I cannot legally watch on my computer is silly

  Regards //Johan

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